Oct 27, 2004 20:51
I watch an old episode of home improvement in the morning and something that wilson said just stuck with me today. He said that his biggest fear was that fact that he was someone else's dream, and that when they woke up, you die. Funny thing eh? Kinda put my perspective on life in a nice idiom.
Well I'm quitting smoking on sunday. Should be a good thing for me since I have been at it for over a year now. MOst likely start up again when i turn 18 but for now it is my goal. Maybe i should join a gym too. That would probably help it out.
My movie on my depressing dream is coming along wel. Got a basic ( real basic ) outline now. Just got to start filling in different events that happen. Any input on it is greatly appreciated cuz i am kinda stuck after the idea and the ending.
Meh, depressed. Cant wait to move off and be by myself. Then maybe i can start fresh. Dont get me wrong, I love my friends and would take a bullet for anyone of ya's.
ranting...maybe i need to do this more.