May 22, 2004 14:13
This has been really pissing me off for a long time.
There are two kinds of posts on this thing.
1. People start talking out their ass in ways that would make you think they were absolute retards if they did it in person. They aren't funny, they aren't intelligent, what's the point?
2. People try to make a serious statement, and a bunch of sarcastic mother fuckers reply with the above mentioned drone of idiocy. Again, not funny, not helpful/intelligent to the person who is having a problem.
Of course there are also the people who bitch incessantly, but at least i can kind of understand that and it really only makes them look bad.
Anyway, i though i should get that off my back before i left this thing behind. We all know who the worst offenders are, and maybe they'll rethink their attitudes towards others and towards themselves.