
Dec 18, 2009 10:38

Makes me wish I had someone special. I have tons of guy friends...which is great. What sucks is I like one of them ( a lot), but he is 12 hours away and sees me as...I am not even sure. Then there is Christian...whom I still love as my friend and wish things could be the way they used to be.

THEN, my friend Dave likes me. Now...Dave is a cool guy. And I like him well enough...but it's not that all consuming fire that I have felt before. I would have to choose to love him/be with him. Mind you, he lives 6 hours away, so he is not a direct issue as of yet. But, on the flip, he is kind, hard working, and funny. Why not be with him? I mean...if that is what God has in mind? So what that I don't find him amazingly attractive? Every "beautiful" guy I have liked or been with has been self-absorbed, emotionally removed, or just a flake. He seems upstanding.

I think it's I want what I cannot have. When I know I don't stand a chance with a guy, I go gaga over him. I fall for the 'what-if'. That is not healthy.

I want a fairy tale ending...but I doubt it will ever be.

Ah well. I love my God, my family, and all my friends. That will have to be enough for now. work I must fly!

holidays, life, love

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