*so speak ur knives dont follow with you foot all this pain here all comes from your dry lungs*

Apr 09, 2005 23:11

well i think the last time i updated was Monday when i was biting andrea. So i will start with Tuesday.

Tuesday-i went to guitar lessons. Talked to kelly. Came home. Attempted to skate board. My Rachael and My Dani went to their Straylight Run show!!! They had an awesome time. Spitalfield wasnt there because they hate me and Andrea.

Wednesday- I stayed after school with Nicole. We Walked to Sheetz. I got a smoothie! Yummy!!! Missy had one that morning and it made me want one. Then i came home and did nothing!

Thursday-I walked to the park with Missy and Cayley! Then her mom took us to Wal-Mart. Cayley stalked a kid and scored his number haha! then we went to the mall. We made a little stop at the italian oven. Gold Clubs...Hmmm... Then we learned that there was going to be an explosion in the parking lot involving ice cream cones??? I met Cayley's mom and missy's mom all in one day!! Woo!! Im scoring big!! Then we left the mall and went to the Kauffman residence. Hehe! Oh wow!! It was scary!! Then we went to my house. I showed Missy and Cayley my fat brother, my crazy dog, and my mother. They also saw my room. And on the first date! haha!! We went to the barn and Saw Jennnkkkiiinnns. and Dom Brizzle. Haha then Missy stepped in cow poop and they left.

Friday-I went home. Shaved while talking to amanda! *very kinky* hehe! Then i went to mall to meet Dani and Rachael! My loves!!! They were sititng on the benches with DJ and my friend matt haldeman. We mainly just walked around! Vince was there and so was nathan and april. Dani left after buying crickets. haha i love her! We later met up with my pals Josh and Allen...i still dont know how to spell his name. We walked over to the movies. We chilled there for a bit. Rachael left and then so did i. Amanda got pretty fucking wasted! haha! i love saying fucking wasted!! But anyway, im glad she is okay.

Saturday-My parents left me at like 10 am. I was sad. They came back at like 2 with the 4 wheeler. I listened to music. Did nothing and did nothing again. i was suppossed to go camp out but i waited for jewb to call me which he did and by the time i got his voice mall it was to late. Plus i wasnt allowed to do anything anyway.

*7 Days Missy & Cayley* Woo!!
Andrea- You should still come!!
Amanda- DOnt party too hard next weekend haha!
Lauren- I miss you!!
Rachael-I need to sing to you again!!
Chelsea- Hugging you so many times yesterday made me want to leave a little message to you! haha! i love you!!!

*-*Coming straight from off the water Sunburned face and drunken father Crying as she's carving in her flesh And it's 4am and we will stalk again
The princess and her bitter queen On the 4th day of July Deep in summers eye
Naked like the truth should always be*-*
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