My procrastination bites me in the behind.

Oct 04, 2011 14:08

So it gets worse. =|

I stopped by the bank today to ask what the next step is, now I've got the appraisal. Apparently she got it last week and called me, but I didn't get any voice messages from her. It turns out the bank won't approve the refinancing until I get my roof replaced. In the appraisal, he commented on how it was going to need eventual replacement, but I guess that was enough for them. (He also said the decor was "functional, but dated." Just suck it, dude.)

I should have had the roof replaced a couple of years ago, after the first really big hail storm. At first I wanted to wait to make sure we didn't have another storm. Then I just put it off a bit. Then I was worried because I heard my insurance company was dropping everyone who made a claim on their roof, and I didn't want to have to search for a new insurance company right away. Then I just put it off s'more because it wasn't having any problems, even if it looked a bit sad up there. We did end up with another damaging hail storm, so it probably would've still been an issue if I'd had it replaced at first, but not as much as it is now.

So I'm stuck doing it now, because I need to move forward. The lady at the bank is going to check on whether I have to have the repairs completed or if it's enough just to get things in motion. But I'm stuck waiting. We'd hoped to get things finished by mid-month, but I expect it'll be a bit longer what with this new snag. And I'm sure the old roof didn't help my appraisal...

Plus, since the appraisal came in so low, I may not be able to drop the PMI, even with a secondary loan. She was in a bit of a rush and I didn't understand it all, but she said something about it needing to be within a certain amount of the 80% for them to do it that way and they may not be able to do it at all. FFF. That means I'd be stuck paying the PMI again, even though that was one of my main reasons for initiating this refinancing, and I'll also be stuck paying for another appraisal down the line if I want to get rid of it once I get back down to 80% of the new total. (And I do hope I'll get it down to the new 80% within a couple of years, assuming the value doesn't continue to plummet, since I'll have a lower interest rate and be able to put more toward the principal.)

It's still going to be worth it to drop my interest rate by 2.125%, but it's not going nearly as smoothly as I might have hoped.

So, this is all going to change my resin plans by quite a bit. Which, granted, isn't the worst thing to come out of it, but it's still a bit of a bummer.

Soom posted up the prices for their NYCC mix-and-match event. My initial hope was to get Io's scar head with Chrom's body so I could make my buff wolf-lady. I later gave it some more thought, and realized she could be an odd sort of gnoll, which made me love the idea even more. I did start to wonder if I might not just get her with the original Chrom head, though, since that one comes with the tufty ears.

In favour of the Io head - super awesome scar, makes a lovely lady. Against - the bronze Io head is $93 more than the bronze Chrom head, as it comes with the lion mask, which I don't really want. On the other hand, I could try to form a split on DoA and get somebody to pay the difference to take the lion mask; may or may not be successful.

In favour of the Chrom head - tufty ears! $93 less and I don't have to worry about trying to find a split-partner to take the lion head. Also makes a rather pretty lady. Against - no super-awesome scar. I could do a scar face-up, but that's not nearly as cool as having it in the sculpt.

So I was kind of starting to lean toward just getting a straight bronze Chrom, as much as I'd be sad about the Io head. My other Soom plan was to snag a Sphaler body and maybe get an Epidos head. Really, though, I don't like the Epidos head all that much. If I was going to skip the Io head for the gnoll-lady, though, I could always get it with the Sphaler body, and the cost wouldn't be as bad in NS as in the bronze resin. I was leaning toward maybe making the Sphaler-whatever into some kind of harpy-like monster. (And also possibly a lady - because more gender-bending is better?)

I also still kind of wanted a Marl, as she's really been growing on me with time. I still don't like her hooves, but I do love the rest of her -- and I could always try to split her hooves and spare head away to somebody else, which would save a bit of cash.

As I was looking at them, the prices would be:

Io head/Chrom body, bronze = $850
Chrom, bronze = $756
Epidos Head/Sphaler body, NS = $650
Io head/Sphaler body, NS = $708
Marl = $535 (doll with outfit, cloak and wig, no face-up)

Part of me had myself convinced that I'd still be able to get the Chrom, maybe one of the Sphaler options, and the Marl. But now with the roof... :( I think at this point I'm going to have to accept that I'm getting none of them. I'll give it some thought and maybe I'll get one, if it turns out things aren't going to be so bad. (I've been told by one of my insurance agents that I might be able to get the roof done without having to pay anything, which would be awesome.)

I will be getting a couple thousand dollars back from the loan, though it's not really anything I'm "getting" so much as a shift of money that I'm going to be owing. I was tempted to use it to pay for Soominess, but I'll probably want to be responsible and just put it toward the loan, particularly if I am still able to take out a secondary loan to get rid of PMI, as that's going to be a much bigger loan than I'd hoped.

I will still definitely be getting the Withdoll Priscilla. I've had that figured into my budget and I just will not accept missing out on her, because she is still too awesome.

Giving up on the Chrom-lady is disappointing. I already had lots of plans and a character worked out and everything, which makes it harder. I'm just glad I've been forcing myself not to think too much on what I'd do with the Marl or Sphaler, because I knew I wouldn't want to get myself too hyped up over them in case things turned out this way.

On the other hand, with the situation as it is, I think I'm going to go into a bit of a purchasing shut down (with, of course, the Priscilla-exception). I still owe layaway payments on my Soom Dune, my Iplehouse Claude, my Pipos R.Derek and my DearMine Carnival Oz. I only owe one payment each on the prior three and two small payments on the latter, but that's probably more than enough to be getting on with, without adding a lot more.

Plus...I keep telling myself the Chrom doll was going to be a bit of a project, requiring a lot more work to get turn "him" into "her," and I've already got so many projects on the table that I've done very little with. So it's probably for the best that I just concentrate on all the dolls I already have and give new purchases a bit of a rest. (Except, of course, Priscilla. FFFFFT, I will have that doll.)

Oh, to end on a high note: Javert jumped up into bed last night around 12:30a.m. and slept by my pillow until I got up at 6:30a.m. That has never happened before. Never. I kind of hope that becomes a thing.

sadface, the chronicle of my impending demise, serious business, javert

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