Nov 11, 2004 12:14
*Hey guys, guess what? *
*FallOver Tuesday is having another show!*
^Oh yay, im going, cause they're the best band ever!!!,When is it?!^
*NOvember 20th 6:45pm @ the Colbalt!!!*
^Im definently going!!!^
*Thanks little buddy*
But yeah, today, NO SCHOOL!!! Isnt that awesome!! Wow, to come to think of it, im not really sad anymore. I guess you move on you know...and I already did...but yeah, the next time i step into a realtionship, im going to become good friends with her. So yeah!!! Today im doing...
1) Band pratice
2) Kasey (LOL,JK)
3) HALO!!!!
4) Um....
5) ....UM?
6) Thats it.latez.