Nov 10, 2006 11:37
A couple months ago, my friend Xander told me that I was going to find the most glorious man in the world and fall madly in love with him. At the time I was angry at him for many reasons and I didn’t believe him because I thought I was talking to the most glorious man in the world. And he is glorious, but he’s not it.
A few months after that my friend Izzy met and fell in love with a man named Matthew Gavin Delany, who’s mysterious, gorgeous, sexy, and also very nice. I was pained with jealousy! See, in hindsight I can laugh at myself. I hid in my room and wrote angsty, emo, song lyrics, convinced that now that my best friend was taken I was completely alone. If Izzy wasn’t busy having amazing sex, I’m sure she would have slapped me a lot sooner than she did.
When I wasn’t busy pouting, I went to go play a gig with my band. Afterwards, a man named Carlos Lanai approached me and said he loved hearing me play. This man was and is exotic in every sense of the word. You have to look at him carefully for a few minutes to figure out what ethnicity he is, and that’s half Hawaiian. He has no accent but a dark silky voice. His eyes are dark half the time and endearing the half. He’s not that much taller than me but next to him I look small. Needless to say, the second we started to talk an instant attraction was there. It didn’t take long for us both to fall in love with each other. We’re now engaged to be married as soon as we can figure it all out.
The moral of the story is this. No matter how frustrating it is, no matter how lonely you are, even if everyone you know has fabulous significant others, you can’t give up. There is someone out there who can’t live without you, I assure you of that. Just don’t give up, if you do, you might not be there when the exotic Hawaiian man wants to talk to you. Not my exotic Hawaiian though, you can go find your own.
Sam Pennington
Original Character
373 words.