Of Cameras and my Ass

May 19, 2011 21:18

Life has been pretty interesting recently.  Making new friends and chatting with people more in general.  Hard to be a social creature when you just sit around waiting for people to contact you.

Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls.  Sometimes, they're really bad and require careful action to mitigate.  Other times, they're really good and your bat just connects for the home run.  I am slowly recovering things I thought I lost forever.  It pleases me greatly.

On another note, I finally decided to see a doctor about my "For the love of God and all that is holy, my anus is bleeding" problem.  $117 to have my Asian doctor stick his finger up my anus.  Confirmed that there is blood and referred me to a gastroenterologist(sp?) and for some blood work.  Essentially, he has no clue what it could be at this point, as there are many things that can cause my symptoms.  So...  lights, pants, camera, and ACTION!  I'll be getting a lovely colonoscopy.  Here's to hoping that one of my worst physical...attributes can be rectumfied (heh) soon and with little pain.  It could be anything from an internal hemorrhoid to Chrons disease to cancer.

In other news, I was recently berated by a friend of my Ex's for "badmouthing her on every avenue I can find."  I was rather surprised by this statement.  I don't think I've really been badmouthing her, especially when I'm busy working on my own mental stability.  I asked her to show me what I've been saying that is coming across that way, but I didn't get a response.  I can only assume that she thought I was being a smartass, which is a shame.  I am really curious.

On the music front, we've hit a bit of a lull with the drummer being jobless and the rhythm guitar player being underway (military).  We lost a power amp at a recent gig, so the entire band threw down to help replace it.  It almost made me cry because I've never been in a group willing to do that.  I immediately turned around and blew one of the monitors while testing the new amp.  Luckily it was a simple matter of exceeding the xMech spec, which tore the already aged (21 years old) cone.  The tear wasn't complete and was straight enough that I was able to repair the woofer with toilet paper and wood glue.  I also discovered why one of my mains has been rattling so badly at certain frequencies.  It appears that someone dropped the cabinet, causing the mounting cup on the horn lens to break free from the lens.  The "redneck engineering" that the previous owners took to fix it involved...  get this...

1) Insert horn driver and mounting cup back into horn lens.
2) Wrap generously with cling wrap.

Needless to say, the results were less than impressive.  A little epoxy and I'll have that fixed as well.

So far, I haven't really seen any health benefits from not drinking.  I do find that it's harder to wake up on time, but meh.  Doctor didn't seem too concerned about my previous intake, and I was completely honest.  Might have a nip tonight just for the hell of it.

I think that about covers everything for now.  Stay tuned, friends.

PS: Anyone going to Megaplex?  You know I'll be there!

redneck engineering, anus, drinking, colon, baseball analogies, xander, band, repairs, bleeding, life

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