Oct 31, 2004 13:56
woohoo! last night, I went to my first real "party" here at msu. It was a lot of fun, too. I got a wee bit tipsy, but not too bad haha...it was fun. I had the hottest date, too (by far haha) Robert Goulet! lol......anywho, now I'm just kinda hanging out at Marty's watching him type on his computer...he's awesome lol....makes me smile. I think I have some studying to do. Next semester, I'm taking 19 hours, which is a step up from the 12 I'm taking this semester. I haven't really had any homework this semester...not too much, anyway. I remember all those college prep classes I had to take in high school...they were sooooo much harder than college has been. better to be overprepared than underprepared, I guess.....I'm gonna go study or take a nap or something
take care,
-Amber Grace