(no subject)

Feb 17, 2007 02:53

the date is actually august 17th 2006. i just dont know how to fix that crap. help please!

so the end of h-town is already approaching and i can't wait to go back to the slums of new orleans. since my mom told me, after i came back for summer, that i was cajun i feel a more concrete desire to go back and not 'just cuz'.

Wordplays- can u see the names inbetween the lines?

No one In history has EffecTed my Zeal So CHallEngly as he.
LovE, NoNcOnformity, aNd insight.

Every huMan bEing should Recreate SO Noble a soul.
ToUgh, crisP, AnarChic.

The WArmth wIll Never cease.
MOst Reach wheReas hIS instincts tOld him to huNt.

Reason UndermeanS hiS ExtremeLy Large spirit.

With HeroIsm, chic inTent and MANners.
DEeP Personified.
HumOrous with a PlEasant feel.

Sheer Utter Fluid JAm baNd.

Much ANgerS this tOrmeNted soul.

WhEther it Be for leiSuire or a TimE killeR, he informs.
WIith inteLligent DEmeanors.
FooLishnEss inAction.

CHArismatic PeoPlE skiLLs with Earnesty.
GENdEr SwItch aMid MOderN Showmanship.
HUngry aSSasIn, Evolving Nothing.

Raw, tEchnological Zoo of NOise oveRlapping melody.

FeaR causEs the sUffering amiD nations.

Acid aids. Weed wears. Shrooms grooms.

Deaths in 1987- Danny Kaye, Andy Warhol, Bob Fosse, Joseph Campbell, Andres Segovia, Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth

Life has been everything I have ever wanted. I have failed.

It is not what we speak but what we speak of.

The more movies we make about the future the less fun it will be when it actually arrives.

Isn’t it more of a trend to not be trendy nowadays?

Yesterdays’ fools were upset that science interfered with God while today’s fools are upset that God interferes with science.

Schopenhauer once said, “Talent hits a target no-one else can hit;
genius hits targets no-one else can see.”

The best bands created their own category.

I want many hobbies but little habits.

In a Stendhal book I am reading, every chapter starts off with a quote from someone in their original languages. Does this not enforce the Aquarius/Rabbit tendency to quote even more? Astrology has too much evidence personally to deny it universally. If your sun sign zodiac isn’t what you think you are then check your rising sign as well. I’m a Pisces. I have gotten the best knowledge of myself through knowledge of both signs alike.

It is said that pigs are more intelligent than dogs. I don’t exactly know what this means but it must imply that if they had the physical capability than they could do better tricks than dogs, right? Let us agree with Winston Churchill when he says that “I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” Who was it that said dolphins are smarter than humans? Someone get back to me on that.
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