Sep 07, 2006 02:23
My book is coming along. i'm on page 40 and i sent it to my mom and am gonna see what she says since she's a writer for the nurse journals. You know how the word 'aesthetics'can connect the a and e to create one letter? Well my book is called "Aeffection" and is about a million different topcis all with the same intent.. to aeffect you in one way or another. "All books should take you beyond all other books."
Here's the intro and some stuff.
"Who’s Who and What’s What?" Half of this book is not me but others who I have agreed with and elaborated on. “Some men's words I remember so well that I must often use them to express my thought. Yes, because I perceive that we have heard the same truth, but they have heard it better.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. Being a quote fanatic, I wanted a new way to present this wisdom in an entertaining, and hopefully, non-strenuous way. I don’t feel I am mirroring other authors’ thoughts so much as enlightening them for our current time.
Our generation has lost interest in interest and I want to reinvite fun knowledge back to the fore by reminding people of the important and exuberant power of thought. “There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.” This could and couldn’t be a new kind of philosophy. Whether or not people learn something is up to them. I can only present a surface value while “it is the readers’ responsibility to see how deep it can really go.” Oscar Wilde. “True philosophy invents nothing; it merely establishes and describes what is.” Victor Cousin.
If you don’t know a name or a philosophical text I happen to refer to than don’t worry; it’s a hobby of mine that one can’t grasp in a mere first reading. Google the damn thing when you’re bored later that day. I wanted to make philosophy seem more modern so I use brevity to help with everyone’s A.D.D.
One more thing before you go on your quest of questions, not answers: Whenever I don’t name the quote, it is Friedrich Nietzsche- my favorite precursor. I need not say more now concerning him lest one becomes overwhelmed. “Timing is everything.” He ain’t for everyone by himself. But, hopefully, this book will shed a new light on his influence on 20 and 21st century thought in a broader context than before.
I wrote this out of boredom and inspiration simultaneously. The two, seemingly opposing forces, actually allow the other to spark and become something that was unseen before. “One must have chaos in one’s self in order to give birth to a dancing star.” Thank God for boredom lest we wouldn’t feel the need to create! (Oh yeah, and I’m not an atheist but I am an agnostic since no one can truly prove God’s existence. What we can’t prove tends to have more value anyways.)
Effortless Mastery. One cannot own a truth until one can re-word it in a number of fashions and not just repeat what you’ve been told.
Life as After-life. Heaven and Hell is the use or abuse of our potential in this life. “The gods help them that help themselves.”
A Modern Testament. It was not knowledge but boredom that struck man out of the Garden of Eden! It was our rejection of that which has already been laid out in plentitude for us entirely for free but now we don’t know how to spend our time anymore so that we had to go and do what was specifically asked to keep away from? That apple wasn’t merely on the tree of knowledge but on the tree of ultimate knowledge! What would one learn if one knew everything? The Zen Buddhist monks always replied “mi zai” when asked if they had reached enlightenment. “Not yet.” They understood that understanding is never completed; only sharpened and refined. “The kingdom of the heart is something that will never arrive yet is always arriving. Its excrement’s are its food.”
Which mirrors which? Art is what reality meant to say. “Oh, how I love the theatre. It is so much more real than reality.” Oscar Wilde. Some say that art is more of a hammer that molds newer realities instead of a mirror which shows reality to itself as it is. If we learn from ourselves and others then why can’t it be both?
Lust of Love. It cracks me up every time I picture a heart because it just so happens to resemble all three of the private parts in some way or another!
Art of Religion. Religion strives for a common comfort while art strives for an individual comfort.