(no subject)

May 20, 2011 12:50

We have made it to Friday.  Or more impressively, I have made it to Friday.  Not that there was significant doubt it would happen, but in these hectic and trying times, every victory is worth comment.

It would seem that yesterday here in the office, a general administrative email went out to the staff telling everyone to stay off the internet as IT worked to implement/fix/address some issue that needed attention.  As a temp, of course, I did not get that email and thus while the rest of the office was finding other non-internetty ways of passing time, I was surfing along, fat, dumb and happy.  This, we think, is why I was red-flagged regarding internet usage.

Initially, I thought it was because someone had seen my computer screen filled with images that were not work-related.  Nothing really obnoxious-no porn or music videos or internet television-but something that obviously was not work related.  But now I think it’s just that my account was the only actively roaming account on the internet yesterday and thus, it drew attention.

I’m trying to be better today.  It’s hard though, because they don’t give me any work to do and don’t allow gmail at all, thus I am forced to just sit here staring at nothing hoping something comes along that might keep me occupied until the clock strikes quitting time.  I brought a book to read, though I worry if I start reading it, it will put me right to sleep.  And I’ve helped a friend with his resume, but hadn’t stopped to realize that any work I was doing on the thing would remain a mystery to him because I have no way of getting it out to him.  While they do allow me a firm-related email address, it is set up so that I can only email and receive emails from in-house.  They really do everything they can to insure that while you’re here temping, you’re HERE temping.  I respect that, in a very disrespectful way…

Eventually, I will sign on to post this but that will be the largest extent of what I’ll do online today.  There’s no accessible wifi signal in this building in this part of town, so I can’t even get email from my iPhone.  It suuuuuuuuucks.   But $19/hr. is vastly more lucrative than sitting in the BRC watching Dr. Oz talk about menopause so I’ll do my best to limit my complaints. (Hear that, Fester?  Less for you to anonymously complain about today!  Have you fucked off and died yet? If not, get to it!)

I didn’t summon the energy to make the pies last night.  But an acquaintance of both me and Ryan noticed he was mentioned in our pie message exchange and is now going to join us for our pie extravaganza on Sunday afternoon.  I had intended Sunday to be more of a date event, but now it’s a pie party.  I think the three of us have all enjoyed the physical charms of the other as two-somes, so it wouldn’t surprise me if what was supposed to be a romantic pie-fueled duet of love becomes a raucous blueberry-fueled ménage a trois.  The newest member of the pie party has some significant experience as a sex worker out and about, so anything is possible, and quite frankly, likely.  I’m not totally disappointed in the change in plans, but it does change the flavor of the afternoon quite a bit.  Luckily, I like all these tastes equally…

I don’t have any other plans for the weekend except maybe cleaning a little now that I’ve got people coming over.  The place desperately needs to be dusted and while I’ve given up on the rugs with no vacuum cleaner, the hardwoods could use a good scrubbing, too.  Spoke with Robbie and Owen last night using Facetime on our iPhones and that was fun, though it’s not much different than Skype, ultimately.  He wanted to invite me down for the weekend, but I had to decline.  He also reiterated the invitation for Memorial Day, but as I’ll be Myrtle Beaching it with Desmond and Christopher at Desi’s Mom’s house, I had to disappoint twice in one phone call.  I’m sure we’ll have other times to hang this summer.  In fact, I’m thinking I might specifically take the week of June 6-10 off and hang with the boys in Asbury Park.  I can help with finishing the Coi Pond and make dinners while they’re working.  It’s fun to play house with my friends, and everyone enjoys it.  If I can make the numbers work I’m so going to do that.

Speaking of numbers, my intolerance score at working in an office environment currently is around 112 out of 100.  Nothing about this sort of administrative endeavor appeals to me in the slightest at the moment, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to quit trying to find this sort of employment.  I spoke with Scott at some length yesterday, assuring him how much I appreciated his efforts in getting me through the door here, but letting him know I didn’t think I could continue the charade of caring and working.  All the signs point to a clear need for a break from office work for me and it’s high time I started listening to them.  I’m not sure what I will do otherwise, but poverty never killed anyone.

Oh, wait…

Anyway, it’s very nearly lunchtime and while I’m not hungry in the least, I would like to get out of this cubicle for a bit and enjoy outside.  It’s yet another gray and rainy day in Manhattan, but it just makes those moments of sunshine brighter and warmer when they finally occur.  I wish for each of you as much bright sunshine as you desire, and all the sunscreen in the world.

Happy Weekend!  If you’re into blueberry pie, ruebenesque gentlemen, and happen to be puttering about the New York metropolitan area this weekend, give a shout.  I may have some fun to offer…

Question of the Day:  What was your latest victory?

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