Sep 03, 2011 08:14
The name means "To stand with" as in "to stand or fall together." This is the word used in Colossians 1:17 that "in Him (Christ) all things consist". By His active power, God sustains our existence. This must be a subject of great interest by those in heaven. If we were wise we would do well to study it ourselves, think deeply upon it and allow it to speak to us. God sustains by His active power, holds our atoms together and those of our world, when we and our world are filthy with sin. God, who cannot stand sin, still in spite of it, sustains us because of who He is. He shows forth His glory in His staying power which we call His mercy. He miraculously created the cosmos, but beyond this He miraculously sustains the cosmos. Beyond even this, He sent His Son Jesus to redeem this fallen cosmos. And what more 'beyonds' lie beyond this?