Time to go to work soon.
You must all go to:
Cryptosnark Games to check out the new Deeds Not Words supplement going on sale today.
Go go go go go go go!
Did I ever mention that I am da bomb? Heh. I'm not trying to be cocky but every once in awhile I'm damned perceptive and I do a good job of making it known. I say nothing now, because it's not my place to but yeah babe. You know it.
Must get ready for work. Must make some more money. Must leech this dumb whore called work for all it's worth. Why? Because I'm going to start looking for a different job. Why? Because I hate the job I'm at. Why? Because I'm sick of bending over backwards for people that could care less if I'm a human being.
At least my mom finally went off for an interview today. She wasn't happy about it but she went. I think she is more detrimental to herself than anyone else. I love her dearly but she's not chasing the whole job thing hard enough. I'm the same way, kinda, but my situation is different than hers. I'm not overly panicking about money and when I am I just pick up extra shifts, work doubles and triples, and bust my ass. She doesn't. Le sigh.
I'm glad she went on the interview. If nothing else this place can give her a job for a few weeks here and there until something more permanent shows up. That and it's back with her original field of Chemistry and they can offer her close to what she used to make at 3M.
(boat ride tomorrow for my birthday.. Yeah babe....)