May 09, 2002 23:18
The Top Ten Things I Hate About DumbFuck
1.He acts like he's always on a fucking acid trip and expects everything he finds amazing to be amazing to you too.
2. Privacy. P-r-i-v-a-c-y. n 1. State of being apart from company or observation; seclusion; also secrecy 2. A place of seclusion. DumbFuck needs this tattooed to his forehead so he can look in the mirror and attempt to read it every morning.
3. Animal care. He needs to learn that feeding his cat 3 cans of catfood in a single day is baaaaaaad for him. So is letting his cat roll around in crushed glass outside. Oh wait... what was this about putting poison around the perimeter of his lawn that he allows his cat to run around on?????
4. Personal Space. I have a space around me that only certain people are allowed to invade. DumbFuck is not one of them. Certain friends are allowed to hug, kiss and touch me. DumbFuck does not get this privilege.
5. Scott is my Boyfriend. Get your own fucking boyfriend. Dumbfuck does NOT deserve the respect or the attention I recieve from Scott just because I get it and he thinks he should too. Kiss my ass
6. When I'm cooking, cleaning, washing clothes or trying to lance my infected ear I do NOT need DumbFuck's interfering help. The pizza cooks a hell of a lot faster when you don't open the oven door every 2 minutes, I clean better when you're not standing in my path telling me how to clean when you don't even know what a fucking broom is for, and I've been washing my own clothes since I was 8 years old. The washer does most of it if you let the thing work. And if I'm trying to lance my ear I don't need you hovering there telling me what to do with the needle I used which now has nasty bugs all over it. Yes... would you like to use it again?
7. If I am working on a project or trying to accomplish something I don't need DumbFuck standing over my shoulder trying to get me to talk to him. I'm Busy, I have work to do. Unlike some people we know. *cough*DumbFuck*cough*
8. I don't think that I, as a 21 year old college student, should have to be teaching a 50 + year old man how to live his life and how to take care of himself. I should not have to clean up after the man, I should not have to listen to him whine about things he knows nothing about and I should not have to teach him that Toilet paper is more important than the new CD that he wants.
9. I do not have to listen to your DumbFuck ass insult me to my face, call me names, call my beloved names, or call my baby names. I am NOTa stupid fuck, a dumb bitch, or an ass. My cat is not an asshole, a bitch, a little fuck or anything else. I will tear your fucking balls off and shove them down your throat if you refer to any of us like this ever again in your life. Leave my Scotty and my kitten alone and I might just tear your balls off.
10. We are not here for your amusement and your entertainment. Entertain yourself. We are not a fucking novelty. Our lives are not open to your scrutiny. If I'm talking on the phone I do not need you listening to every fucking word I say as though I were a show that you watched on a nightly basis. I do not need to have you inquiring about what I've done all day, where I'm going and if you can come too. If I don't invite you it's because I don't want your ass there you lame ass pathetic piece of shit.
That's DumbFuck's top Ten list. There are those of you out there who know who DumbFuck is. Enjoy the synopsis.