
Aug 17, 2006 19:38

summer is almost over :( !!!  that sucks its reli depressin me specaily cause the weather here is already in winter and its gettin cold and grey all the time  ARRRRGGG shitting myself its results day next week ahhhhhhhh im soo scared i reli hope i get the 5 B's needed to get in2 camden other wise im screwed!...thinkin of goin to amdsterdam b4 i go back to school u can get a bus there for like 30 pounds return how good is that for like 3 days stay in a hostel or sumthin think cud b reli fun! no more news had great summer now back to school which im kinda excited about for meetin new ppl finally some guys!! lol...but the school work UH....ths it on me xxxxx
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