Jan 05, 2004 22:28
i wish i still could see the world and the people in it in the same way as i did when i was little.. experience takes more and more away from that... so i wish i could just surround myself with GOOD people and GOOD things. so im gonnnnna...
after awhile of being around it, you dont realize it but you turn into it and "you become what you always thought was dumb".
certain people have really taught me what following the right path does for you, and others what the wrong path does TO you.. i would never judge someone else, because if i were them i might be doing much worse (and i am nobody to point fingers either).. but it just has helped me see how the choices i make will effect me... and i see how looking at the shallow things in life will only lead to trouble and hurt in the end!! its true. but by working on the inside... it will get me much much farther :) it has already started helping me out alot, and im glaaaaaaaaaad
just had to get that out. because things that normally would be bothering me right now, arent at all... honestly. not one little bit... because i can look past how it seems (and how its supposed to seem) and see how it really is and how it will be sooner or later.
i have so much to be thankful for and i feel like an ass for over looking alot of it lately.
<3 maura
"when life gives you lemons.... squeeze the juice into people's cuts!" haha.. jusssst kidding... make lemonade silly!!!