eight years later

Mar 14, 2022 16:08

This is an intro and apology to everyone I just added as a friend! I apparently haven't posted since 2014 (although since then there actually was a very long private post with links and pictures of Raul Gonzalez that I posted three times in February 2015 for reasons that I cannot fathom).

Anyway, the issue is that after years away from actively following Johnny's, I have been sucked back in by a friend who got me into Snow Man. Great timing in that it's a good distraction from all the Events happening all the time, but bad timing in that there's all these rumors flying around about LJ melting down and I need to figure out how to get subs again and catch up on everything I've missed DDDD:

So if I just friended you, that's why, and I do exist and am a real person and am way too lazy to ever post your subs anywhere as I barely have the energy to download stuff - not that I would repost anyway. But I don't know any of the LJ etiquette these days so idk if it's a thing where you might be like "hmm who is this person who friended me" and it's cool or if I need to reach out to people like applying to join a community or what. I figured either way it might be better to have a post more recent than 2014 tho.

Me as a Johnny's fan: started following when NEWS and KATTUN and Kanjani8 were the fresh new things, ultimately ended up getting very into TOKIO (unfortunate at this point but Mabo is still one of my faves and I just love DASH so much) and V6 and Arashi. Now I can't believe that Snow Man has a youtube presence that's just subtitled at least some of the time??? It's incredible?? But I still want to watch everything, hence pursuing more subs here. Don't want to commit to any Snow Man faves since it takes me a while to settle in and get to know everyone and figure out who I love and it's basically just been 2 weeks of fandom for me. But I did watch KieKoi and have eyes so I'm very happy to look at Meme, I'm delighted by Shoppi's entire deal, I think Abe-chan is adorable, and I love Date-sama's whole wild aristocrat thing. XDD

But that's me, if anyone wants to take pity on an old new fan and hook me up with Snow Man content, I am down.

Edited April 15: Welp since writing the above I watched a bunch of Janino Channel and ended up falling madly in love with Yamada Ryosuke and now I spend all my time watching Hey Say Jump videos and I love them all.
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