Jul 14, 2008 08:16

This was my very first WW.  The first SCA camping event for the boys ( 10 and 4).  We left for Boscobel at 6:30 am.  Made a stop in Kellogg MN to fill up with gas.  I knew Wisconsin would be more $$/gallon and put  enough in to make it home again after the trip down.  Along the way, I remembered I had to make a quick shopping trip to buy a few forgotten items.  Once the van hit Winona, we cruised over to Walmart.  Picked up the necessities, and didn't stop again until Soldiers Grove.  There was a nice little gas station there.  Had a liquor store attached to it.  We stopped because this was the only piddle break I need to take with the kids.  I was impressed, and they were relieved to be able to get out the van to stretch again.

The van:  The old thing is a wonderful vehicle, and has been very good to me.  However when I am taking the boys along with, the van is packed so tightly that the boys can't move, and I can't see out my back window.  Good thing my Dad taught me how to drive, back up, etc  using only my mirrors.  Dad is a truck driver, and felt it necessary to teach his children that skill.  I chose not to use the luggage rack ontop of the van, for fear it would caught down gas milage to much....

We arrived onsite approx 10:30am.  Anplica was up at troll when we invaded.  She invited my motley crew to join her campsite.  I was thinking, she may not be so grateful that she did that by weekend's end.... :) and she let me know where the other part of our Silfren-Mere camp was.  My oldest stated he wanted to camp with Anplica, and I decided to check it out.  When I saw that her site was directly across fromt he playground, that sealed the deal.  We were camping there.  It worked out very well.  Nearby were some kids that my oldest played with, and he was with his new found friends ( namely Galen) the event.  My youngest hung with me, or played at the park.  Both boys came home tired and dirty.  Positive signs that they had a good time.

Ethan, my oldest  and Gareth a younger boy that we were camping with, entered the sandcastle competition.  The boys created a castle under siege.  They used some little plastic knights ( think those little green Gi Joe's) to embellish the castle.  The black knights were Northshield, and the grey were Middle Kingdom.  When judging time came round, there was some stiff compititon.  But, Ethan and Gareth won.  Ethan was so pleased.  After that , we made our way over to archery.  Ethan missed the children's shoot, while building, and judging to occur.  But he participated in the Open Shoot.  Ethan has not picked up a bow in a year's time,  (The first time he did so, was at a YMCA camp week he went to last year). Ethan was able to get a three point shot.  I was a very proud Momma....  There were adults shooting as well.  So, the fact that Ethan made it to the hay bales, and was able to get a good shot in, impressed me.

My youngest, Ike, had his WW made, when he met his first band of pirates.  Ever since I joined the SCA in January, Ike has wanted to become a pirate.  At WW, we were walking back from the Main Pavilion, and near the list field a band of pirates came walking by.  Ike, grabbed hold of my dress and very excited said "Pirates Mommy!  Pirates!"   I stopped the Lord's and Ladies, and told them of Ike's excitement.  They answered with a hearty ARG! which scared him a  bit, but he was ready to follow them where ever they would lead him, and join the crew.

I didn't get to any of the classes, which would have been difficult with Ike in tow.  We strolled  down Merchants row, and I wished I had a bundle on $$ to blow.  I did get a tasty treat from Manthra's (sp?) Ike and I went up to the dance, around 8 pm, and only stayed for a little while.  For the most part I watched the boys play, and hung out at the camp site.  Which was enjoyable for me as well.  Ike and I did take part in the children's activites.  We took a dip in the pool on Friday.  Very cool and refreshing.  The tent held in the wind on Friday night.  We did get some water leakage, but not puddles.  which was a good thing.

I was able to use my tripod grill for the first time.  I loved it! Once I got it together.  With help from Little John.  The version I have is called Instant Tripod, from Menards.  Instant my fanny!  Maybe if you have three people.  ( forgive me for my rant, but I want to forewarn those who are thinking of a tripod grill.)  The three legs on my version of the tripod, come in six pieces.  Two metal pieces form one leg.  The problem with my version is that they do not stay together very well.  Once you get one leg in, and go to the next to set up, move, put into place around the fire pit, another leg will come apart, and you are going round and round with this dance for a longer time than an instant. There are other types out there, that have legs that are connected, and you don't have to worry about falling pieces.....  I think Shopko has one.  Go with that version.  Mine, once set up, it is a gem.  I plan to get some metal zip ties, to fasten my legs together, that way I won't have this problem in the future.

Saturday was a beautiful day, and much cooler than Friday.  Sunday we were packed up and on the road by 11:15 am.  On our trip home I wanted to stop at a drive in restaurant.  I thought I had seen an A&W version, somewhere along the way.  I kept looking, thinking this would be a nice experience for the kids.  By La Crosse hunger had taken over, and I gave up looking for the A&W.  I pulled into the drive through at Wendy's.  The kids and I fed, we continued on our way.  A few blocks later, there was the drive through Wendy's.  I told the kids, next time we are headed that way, we will stop.  We arrived home tired, and in need of a shower by 1:30pm. Total dive time 2 1/2 hrs.  Not bad.  I love the WW site, and I hope we can keep it!
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