May 30, 2008 21:23
So right now I'm about to see 'The Strangers' with my love! I hope it's good. I got out of work early today because there were 4 servers and we normally have 2 or 3 and Jorge, who was scheduled to work double was asked to leave unless he could find someone to leave early so I said I'd leave for him. He's like in his 40s, his wife drops him off in a van and you can tell he needs the money so I let him stay. And now I get to watch a movie with my sweety!:D It all works out....
Oh and I have a cyst underneath my eye. It got inflamed like 2 wkends ago on a Sunday and Andrew took me to a clinic because he was worried and the doctor there told me it would come out on its own like a pimple. So several days pass and it gets bigger so I go to a dermatologist and the physicians assistant said I could get a steroid injected to it and it would bring it down. But then the dermatologist came in and said it's too late and that I'd have to get it cut out:[
He put me on a medication and gave me a creme to put on it for a week. Then I went back yesterday and it's gone down a little but now I ahve to see a plastic surgeon because it's too close to the eye so he'll have to cut it out for me:[ June 16th is when I go to have him look at it:[ Oh wells:[