timed to the 16th

Feb 17, 2009 18:59

Bill's out, not headin' anywhere particular, just tryin' to get away from a place that's supposed to make him feel more like home, but just ain't right now. He don't even wanna think about the way people're actin' and the way he ain't got his family. And fuck, he really misses his ma ( Read more... )

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frakkup February 18 2009, 00:30:16 UTC
"You enjoying the view?" Kara grunted after a while, pausing just long enough to wipe an arm over her forehead. In all honesty, she hoped he was. She'd come out here to vent in private, but now that she'd wound down some it was nice to have an audience. Or would be, if Bill was suitably appreciative.


guinea_trap February 18 2009, 01:30:03 UTC
"Honey, any view you're involved in, I'll enjoy," Bill says with a fair amount of surety and swagger. He pushes his shoulders off the tree and walks over to her and the bag. "How the hell'd you learn to hit like that?"


frakkup February 18 2009, 01:51:14 UTC
"How do you think?" Kara asked, but still, the attention was nice, and she decided to elaborate. "I was shut up on a ship with almost three thousand people. Kinda tense, right?" Kara took a long drink of water. "I guess our superiors thought it'd be best if we punched each others' faces with the gloves on."


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 00:20:22 UTC
"Yeah, sounds kinda like army camp," Bill says, a fondness playing at the corners of his mouth and eyes.

"You got a second pair of gloves?" he asks, which also means, can I?


frakkup February 19 2009, 00:32:52 UTC
Kara always had a second pair of gloves, on the chance that someone might come along and give her more to hit than just a bag.

She walked the few steps to the spares and grabbed them up, hesitating before tossing them to Bill. "You have a big enough pair to spar me proper?"


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 00:36:42 UTC
Bill catches 'em, starts to strap 'em on, even, before realizin' just what she's askin'. "You?" It shouldn't be a surprise, he keeps remindin' himself of that. Stop actin' like such a fuckin' kid, Guarnere, he tells himself.

"Guess so. Never hit a girl before, way my ma raised me."


frakkup February 19 2009, 00:39:37 UTC
"Then think of me as a Captain," said Kara. She stepped into the ring, then leaned forward against the ropes to smirk at him. "Bet you wanted to hit a Captain or two in your day. Hmm?" She scrunched up her nose and grinned. "Just a little?"


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 00:48:32 UTC
Bill yanks his shirt off, laughs a little. "Ya got me there." He straps on his second glove, grabs a mouth guard, and hoists himself up and into the ring, fluid with the metal leg.

"Never wanted to sleep with one before, though," he says, pops the mouth guard in, and flashes her a cheeky mouth guard grin.


frakkup February 19 2009, 00:55:29 UTC
"I said I wanted a match, not a show," said Kara, poking a finger into his chest. "Now c'mon." She punched her own gloves together. "Let's get the pussyfooting out of the way." She figured he'd start out slow, not hitting back full force until she did.


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 01:06:07 UTC
"It's a distraction tactic," Bill preens, voice funny from the guard. And boy, if this ain't the funniest thing, boxin' a girl. He hops on his feet some, shakes his arms to loosen 'em. There just ain't no way he's throwing the first punch, so he's all defense, gloves raised, ready to dodge.


frakkup February 19 2009, 01:10:42 UTC
Kara tapped her gloves again, muscles tense with holding back now that she had someone in the ring with her. It was exciting, but Kara was surprised to find herself considering holding back. Bill seemed steady enough on that new leg, but who was to say how it'd hold up in the ring?

She bounced up on her toes, finally throwing a hard jab to his right cheek. At least this way they'd both find out in a hurry.


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 01:18:45 UTC
Bill's ready, but he hadn't expected her to be so strong, so quick, even after watchin' her with the bag. She's a broad, after all, but damn, those arms. They're somethin' else. He manages to block, duck sideways away from the punch, but it still hits his glove and he feels the force of it.

"You're not fuckin' around," he says, moving away, then back, and it must be adrenaline or maybe some kinda instinctual fight or flight reaction 'cause he throws a jab right at her face.


frakkup February 19 2009, 01:27:43 UTC
Kara considered letting her gloves drop, just taking it once right in the face, but the chance that he'd have the opposite reaction she was hoping for was too great.

She blocked, stepping back with the force of the blow before she swung her body behind his, throwing another jab at his ribs. "Are you?"


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 01:34:31 UTC
Bill grunts, tryin' to get outta the way of that, tryin' to stay on his feet and retaliate. Maybe it's everything else goin' through his mind, but he don't notice the leg.

"The only time Gonorrhea fucks around is between the sheets, sweetheart," he says, sending two quick jabs in succession.


frakkup February 19 2009, 01:41:06 UTC
Kara caught the first on the chin, getting her glove between them on the second. "Is that a good thing?" she wondered. She cracked her jaw just once, and the adrenaline sparked by the pain made her smile. Gods, that was good. Much better than fighting with a damned punching bag.

"So this is it, then?" she asked. Was Bill a man who could be goaded? Kara didn't know just yet. "This is what you got?"


guinea_trap February 19 2009, 01:50:27 UTC
Bill doesn't answer the first question, too taken by the relief he feels at that smile. Enough to return with one of his own. The smile means it's okay, she ain't gonna cry and he's not an asshole. Well, not for this, anyway. Her guy might come after him, but this is okay. Somehow, this is really okay.

He laughs, then, tips his head to the side, backs off with a shrug of one shoulder. "Honey, you haven't hardly even hit me yet. I saw what you did to Eden, had to hear Babe complain for nearly an hour. Right now I'm thinkin' I'm not even gonna walk outta here with a bruise," he says, goading right back, making a wide circle around her while he runs his mouth.


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