
Oct 23, 2010 20:19

I recently acquired a basil plant and am growing it outside on my porch table. It's gotten quite large and I didn't know what I could use it for until a woman on Ravelry said she feeds basil to her pigs. I checked the safe foods list, and basil is listed under Low vitamin C foods, but the list doesn't explain which parts of the herb are edible. Should I only feed them the leaves, or is the stalk holding the leaves (you can see it below) OK too? The flowers? I don't want to give them anything I don't know about yet. I'd appreciate any input.

I haven't been around here for awhile, but my girls are doing well. I told the three of them yesterday that I ordered more food for them and that 9 pounds of timothy hay is coming to them from Sweet Meadow. I'm sure they'll be happy little pigs to run through it soon. They don't seem to like the meadow hay as much, but they'll burrow and hide in the huge piles of timothy I give them twice a day. They love, love, love it.

From left are Penny, Sassy and Rosie.

diet: veggies, pigtures: food, ! safe food list

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