what is it with myspace, livejournel, and blogging that makes everyone so pail?

Feb 18, 2006 18:35

i was laying in bed at about 9:30 this morning, and i was not ready to get up. my iPod[which is my favoritest toy ever] was playing one of my playlists on loop and i was cold. so when i realized i couldn't go back to sleep agian, i got down out of bed and turned on my computer. after about an hour it was done booting up. i got on myspace.com and was checking out my profile. i don't know about you, but doesn't it make you feel sooooo much better when you go onto myspace and there's actually a message or comment waiting for you? ya there was a big NOTHING on my profile. it made me sad. but anyways, so then i decided since it was 9:45, i would play "Star Wars: Jedi Academy" untill it was 11:00. so i did. i was at the second to last level and then got impatient and said "FUCK YOU GAME!!!! I'M SICK OF FALLING INTO THAT FUCKING ABISS!" when i realized that it was 11:02. so i called dori's house. her mom picked up and was like, "im guessing you wanna talk to dori? well she's not awake yet." but she was. dori picked up the phone and was like "hey. i just woke up about 5 minutes ago and i'm going to get ready. call you in an hour. love you!  so guess what i did? i started playing Star Wars agian. Gawd!!1 i'm such a loser. i hate video games, but yet i get surcombed by them. so it came 1:00 and dori showed up. i was still playing Star Wars. now, most intellegent people would shut off the game and give their girl friend dirrect attention. but not me. i was the dumbass who thought "hmm...maybe she'll wanna watch?" bad move. i played for about ten minutes as she sat on my drum set seat and watched me impatiently. after a while, i finnally got the sence to stop and give her attention. she seemed fairly horny, but then agian she always takes pleasure in dominating me. so we were laying on my bed making out and other things...and my mom randomly swings open the door and goes, "are you thirsty?" and im like, "no" but dori was, so she drank some V-8 juice and my mom bitched about how i shouldn't have the door closed. here's something i never got. dori could fuck me anytime she wanted to. even if the door was open. well, after that we made sandwitches and dori made me this uber kool livejournel. it's kool and not as mainstream as myspace. so that's been my day. not very emo[like most days] so i was fairly plzed.
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