The situation at the SDMB has gone beyond fucked up

Feb 07, 2005 19:59

Well, TubaDiva really fucked things up this time. I honestly can't see how they're going to spin this one away. Too many excuses, too much is at stake here. If she doesn't step down, or at the very LEAST admit she fucked up, I'm gonna be royally pissed. It's not like this is the first time the privacy of a Doper has been violated by an admin, nor is this the first time Tuba's done something stupid.
Now I don't give two shits about StageManager, but obviously SOMEONE accused him of something, and whether he did it or not, the admins have to investigate that.

I can't see the Dope lasting too much longer if they try to sweep this one under the rug. Jesus, what a fuck up.

In other news, Bobby's wife Courtney is helping me put my resume in order-it's a huge mess and I sometimes feel if I'm too stupid to put forth a decent resume then maybe I'm too stupid to get a job. Not really, but I HATE all the different formats and advice you get. One site suggests this, then another article will say to do that until I want to tear my hair out.
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