Apr 14, 2011 04:14
- 05:18:23: is upright and has coffee in hand. This is a good sign!
- 12:38:14: @ BHNInsider thanks for checking in, everything seems fine for now, hopefully issue was finally resloved.
- 12:54:43: Jon Kyl has an irrational fear of belly button lint #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
- 13:00:20: RT @everythingis: "I just Jon Kyled you" - Using false statistics in an attempt to fool the uninformed. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
- 18:46:46: @mlewys, Check out this out: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=378140.0 I wish I had the patience!!
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