Undead and Uneasy (Queen Betsy, Book 6)
Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Berkley Hardcover (June 5, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 0425213765 ISBN-13: 978-0425213766
Retail: $23.95
Book Description
"Weddings are never easy. But when you're Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor, they can become downright deadly...
In the days leading up to The Big Day, Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor seems to have a full house and the wedding guests have yet to arrive. Along with her human buddies, there's a ghost, a werewolf, and a Fiend crashing at her place. And though her fiance, Vampire King Eric Sinclair, conveniently disappears when the conversation turns to seating charts and flower arrangements, he does manage to make his oh-so-sexy presence known at other moments.
Cold feet are no surprise, especially with an undead groom. But when Sinclair truly goes missing-and not just to avoid wedding preparations-along with most of her friends and loved ones, Betsy is frantic. Alone and afraid for the fate of everyone she loves, Betsy can't trust anyone as she tries to find them and whoever is behind all the disappearances. And what happens next will shake the foundation of the vampire world forever.
Undead and Uneasy is the 6th installment in the Undead series, and the wedding is really going to happen!!! Or is it? Reading the Letter from MJD to her readers, at the beginning of this book left me in fear for some of my favorite characters. However MJD as always delivered a fun, fast paced and wonderfully crafted book. I am one of those who's been with her since the beginning, Undead & Unwed having caught my eye at the local library while I was scouring the shelves for every last Sookie book I could find, and I was immediately hooked. How could I not be? A Vampire Queen named "Elizabeth Taylor" who had a shoe fetish that could only rival Carrie Bradshaw?? Each installment afterwards has been equal if not better than the first.
In this installment the wedding is imminent, and everyone has abandoned Betsy. Well maybe not abandoned, her father and the Ant are dead, Mom is baby sitting, Sinclair is sulking, Tina is in Europe checking up on the Vampires, and Jessica is in the Hospital for another round of chemo. The rest are MIA. In her quest to figure out where everybody went Betsy finds out that everyone being otherwise occupied isn't mere coincidence and that something definitely wrong is afoot
Not only do many old friends from this series make an appearance, so do the Wyndham Were's from her other series. Old favorites Michael and Derik show up to question Antonia's "disappearance" and wackiness ensues! Once they determine that Betsy hasn't done away with Antonia, they form a sort of truce to try and figure out what has gone wrong. I won't give anything away and spoil it totally for you. Besides why shouldn't you have to fret and worry about who survives and who doesn't like I did!!!
Even though MJD states that this book is what all the other books have been leading up to, I don't really think this is the end of the series (also another fear I had when I started) for one, even if the book wrapped some things up it left several other things in the air. What about Nick? Will Delk really come to stay when he goes back to school? Most importantly BabyJon, and Derik's bad reaction to him? What was that all about? I'm sure that there must be something, I mean Betsy's queen of the vamps, Laura is the devil's daughter, what are the chances that their half brother BabyJon would be normal?
Yah that's what I thought... there will be another book! LOL
I encourage you to rush out and get a copy. Most who know me know I really don't like hardback books but I make two exceptions any book by Charlaine Harris or MaryJanice Davidson. It helps that they are smaller than most hardbacks but I don't think I could wait the extra year for the paperback version. This is an excellent series, and this installment is great!
I give this book