I'm back!

Jan 09, 2009 02:14

Second time writing the whole thing. I hate you, lj.

Here I am again. The congress was really GREAT, such a pity I had to come home earlier because of two stupid exams [done today and yesterday] >____>
Anyway, it seems I didn't do them very bad.. or at least, I hope so. Otherwise, bye bye degree in June :D/
I haven't used internet for 3 days and!! My f-list is fuuuuull of news!!
First of all: MARU WILL BE IN A DRAMA!!!!! Yeeeeeaaaaaah!!!! *dances around strewing flowers*
I'm so, so, SOOOO happy!! \(*O*)/
I knew he would star in one soon, because even Shota got Yasuko to Kenji last year..
Can't wait to see *______*

I was tagged! By the lovely michannosekai <3
So, here you have the meme, douzo!

A. People who have been tagged must, if they choose to participate, write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Please italicize the new question if you do that.

01. What are your nicknames?
Guimi on the net, Miky, Mikiu in real life. Among my cosplay mates Reddo and tono as well xD

02. How does your hair look like currently?
Kind of impossible to explain xDD I have a oblique fringe and long hair, but they're waved, so they go wherever they want xD I'll draw a picture soon.

03. What's new in your life right now?
Umh.. nothing?.

04. How many colours are you wearing now?
Three: green, dark green [t-shirt and sweater] and blue [jeans].

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Depends on people I am interacting with

06. What was the last book you read?
La forma dell'acqua [The shape of the water], by Camilleri. I love detective stories **

07. Do you nap a lot?
Every day I can xD.

08. If you had to have a one night stand with someone famous, who would you like it to be?
Umh... I wouldn't, I think.

09. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?
I finished the hardest exams of the semester!! Woohoo!

10. What's your current obsession?
Kanjani8 xD

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not more than 20 minutes. Even 5, if I'm in a rush

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, my blog, inuyashaportal, DeviantArt, my e-mail account

13. Do you write fic? What was the last fic you wrote?
Nope. I fail to write things xD

14. What's the last thing you laughed about?
A Miyano Mamoru BRILLIANT dubbing.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
The one that Blue ranger sings for the mannequin at the Ranger Skit of 47. God xD

16. What's the last movie you saw?
Cheeni Kum, a nice Bollywood film

17. Would you enter a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?
No way. Moreover, if I can't be his only partner, then he's not my ideal guy

18. What is your least favourite thing to do that you have to do today?
To take a difficult exam =/

B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
I don't have so many mutual friends.. and at least one of them already did this so..  tags on the way! XD feel free to ignore the tag if you're tired of memes

fromyesterday mizuiro_kawari doreda gkj calpis37

And that's all.
Mata ne~!

blabberings, meme

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