And Ryo turned 25!
Omedetou! ☆
急☆上☆show!! spoiler ahead
Great XDDD
I'm watching it again, and again, and again... non stop XDD
It's made of silly shiny awesomeness! <333333333
The song is really great!! Catchy indeed *O*
And I love their stupid attitude XDD
Those faces, gosh XDD
I loved Subaru's J XD
And Maru's little "PAN!" [thanks kibou XD]
And Ryo!! XDD
I really liked the guy in this video.. [+100 for Ryo 8D]
And and and!!
Shota is so much love of course <3
Crazy hyper Shota XD
I didn't actually like a lot Shingo... too serious? (?___?)
[and why was Yoko so... calm? °___°]
Of course I enjoyed the end XD
And eventually they gave Okura a drum part, Woohoo!! \(^O^)/
I was actually a bit disappointed .___.
I liked Kyuu Jou show so much I hoped the cd to be as good as it but... nope .____.
I don't think they suck, but... plain? Yes, plain.
Brilliant Blue... synthetized base? D: Or what was it?
Cinematic... calm. Again, not bad but not exciting
Hitotsu no uta: not bad :) the second best of the cd.
I loved Puzzle much more.