Update time! WHOO~

Feb 05, 2010 14:34

Ok, so first things first, I'm still jobless.

Alright! Now that I got that out of the way on to everything else!

I'm bored. Someone give me a job so I can get out of this house before I start writing on the walls with stuff other then ink! GRAAAAAAAAH~

I think I have more applications floating around out there then most hookers have STDs. Every little Craigslist ad that has come along, that I qualify, for I've attacked. The majority of them, however, want someone with x years experience and x degree. Either that or they either need me to own a car or are so far out of the my way that it would be almost pointless to even consider.

I'm at the point now where an hours long walk wouldn't seem that bad for $10/hr.

In my downtime I've been chipping in around the house a good deal more and just being somewhat of a house pet, I guess. I don't really go out or do anything with people. Even when I had the money for the train I didn't do much, mainly because I felt like a jerk for enjoying myself when I should of been spending every waking moment tracking down something profitable.

..I can't remember why I was writing this entry. I had something important to say in it.. I .. know I did. Oh well. Here is a completely awesome guy from YouTube and his three computer made twins singing!

image Click to view

Did I mention that he is really REALLY cute?
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