Trip to China, mark two!

Jun 22, 2010 23:31

This is seriously turning into some sort of travel blog.

So since beijing nowt has really happened. Got a job working with horses, which was excellent, have now left job with horses and now work in Costa Coffee. Moving into a flat in July, and very excited about that. More details later. Um. Long term plans, get job in police. =D

Meantime, I am off for a second trip to Beijing, where there will be more updates in a similar fashion as before. There will be sunshine, dolls, chinese people, food, booze and some grown up things. This trip is not quite so exciting and shiny as Lewis' dad is pretty unwell at the moment. I won't be going into too much detail about this as I feel sort of akward talking about someone my LJ friends don't know all over the internet. Depending on how Lewis feels about me blogging about it too also matters. But there will be mention of hopsital visits and other such things

Currently I am sat in my brother's house, who is doing very well at the moment. He's drivng us to the airport tomorrow. We are flying from Edinburgh to London, to Frankfurt, to Beijing. It's going to be a very long trip.

Costa is hard work. The people are fantastic - but I forgot how tiresome working with the public proper was. I loved working with the horses -  was paid to ride horses for crying out loud! It was awesome! The only problem it was cash in hand, and not very much money, so eventually I had to leave. I miss it though, but it had inspired me to get better, and even hit a show riding Monty, Flame's son, who has turned five. He's a bit of an ignorant pig of a horse, and basically my job is to skelp his arse when he decides to rear and buck. I have a good video of me at a show of him playing up - nothing malicious, just excitment. I should upload it. The hope is Reba will ask me to ride him at more shows - the boy has lots of potential. If I want to go anywhere, I need to get lessons. This is where David comes in! lol I should mention that David, who I worked for with horses, is a pretty reknowned trainer in Scotland, and has evented himself. We got on great, so here's the hope he wont charge a fortune for lessons. Maybe even get some freebies!

Like I said, Costa is hard work, But it's pay enough for a flat and the people are awesome. It's all a good giggle, and I think I've made some new friends =D

Doll wise, not much has happened. I bought a few, sold a few and should update. But I won't. I'm going to Beijing first! I will no doubt babble about my life during Beijing posts, and will actually finish the blog this time. So.... Tomorrow, will be update number one. Travelling. BOO!

2010, china

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