(PIG!)tures IRL update

Oct 16, 2008 23:33

Hey guys! Remember me? XD I'm sure you don't, I've been obscenely quiet on all fronts. This is terrible. I should change that, and probably will with the enroaching winter months, if my dissertation and Uni work doesn't overwhelm me and suck me into that world. =( (Although my dissertation is made of coolness and awesomeness, even if it does involve piles and piles of boring article reading.)

So.., to intice you into the boring real life entry underneath, here's a picture of my latest accomplishment...

Um....where to start? Well, I had a kick ass summer, which should've been filled with loads and loads of dissertation research, but was in fact filled with oodles of horse riding, fannying around Glasgow with friends, and travelling. I went down south, and took two courses for archaeology. They were located in Norwich, at a little backwards village called Sedgeford. Where the ONLY mobile phone signal was in a phonebox, of a phone that was disconnected. This was frustrating. The living arrangements were tents. And more tents, and a big tent where everybody ate, and a couple of protacabins that  were converted into bathrooms, tiny, inadequate showers that liked to turn themselves off, and classrooms.

Woo! The first course I partook of was Osteoarchaeology, basically looking at bones in the archaeological record. People and animals. And I can now, quite confidently, tell the different between sheep, cow, pig and dog bones. All the others, I am useless with. Wooo! The second course I did was Human Remains, and my favourite word now is Phalange. (Yer finger bones, or Phalanx, for a single finger bone. :) ) This has sparked me into a near obbsession with Forensic Anthropology, and as a result I'm now looking into doing that, or something similar for a postgrad. :)

(Anglo Saxon dead person, who died nastily)

Secondly, I went up north to Elgin to excavate Iron Age round house for three weeks. I worked on charcoal timbers, and as wonderous and exciting as 2000 year old wood sounds, excavating it makes you go blind. I was brushing off indivdual grains of sand! Now while this is exciting and thrilling as a rollercoaster ride with no breaks, I did get a bit fed up after three weeks of it.

So, while up there I somehow end up rescuing a cute little flully russian white hamster called Dig.

So, Dad goes crazy over Dig, as he does, hitting the roof and bitching and moaning and generally being an arse. (I won't go on about how much of an arse he is.) So I look to find Dig a new home. Now, at this point I have been fussing my silly, silly guinea pigs frequently, and have been pawing a forum called "The Guinea Pig Forum." I notice lots of people rehome other animals on it, so I pop the wee lad up there to see if there is any intrest. I meet a lovely lady called Hels, who says she would love to have him! But she's in Gretna. Ok, I think, I'm happy to drive him there if he's going to a good home, and after chatting back and forth via IM, this lady sounds perfect. So I drive down, drop the hammy off, spend a wonderful afternoon with this lady, her little boy, two cats, crazy springer spaniel and ooodles of piggy rescues. Did I mention she runs a rescue?

Somehow, I come back up the road with three baby piggies.

These are them, Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury. However! This tale is not over yet. I proceed to to find, and rehome, these gorgeous babies! They're at a fantastic home with a new lovely mummy and daddy, and three new older brothers, who they may or may end up house sharing with. It's beautiful and gorgeous. I'm so happy!

Downside, someone else has just contacted me.... "
"are you looking for some guinea pigs as i have some and cant look after them anymore if you could spare the time i have 2 adults (age i dont know)3 babies aged 2 weeks. they were left by a neighbour who was moving house and conned me into agreeing that my house would be a safe place to put them during the moving process and never came back for them and never answered his phone since"So.....That's all exciting. XD Anyone want some guinea pigs?!

guinea pigs

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