Hehehe, yea, I know. I've been MIA for a while on LJ now. Had lots to do, mostly uni work. Got a new job in a resturant, so that's taking up all my weekend. Catching up with old pals and hanging out more with folk from uni too - it's fun to party! Although I have no money. Also, still suffering from that picture funk. ¬.¬
Anyway, my doll plans are going pretty good, got Anton booked in for a repaint soon, got a nanuri girly who is gorgeous and needs a body (she's called Lily, pictures to follow). She's going on a feeple body, oh dear, what a shame, a tall girly, looks like I'll need to get a tall boy....XD Definatly getting Nicki a tall body after christmas. Alana's gonna help me out with that one! Hee hee. And yea, dollie things are good. Got a couple of secret projects under wraps, but that's what they are. Little secret projects. My little msd will have to wait, since I quit boots my dollie funds have dried up since I've had to, you know. Pay for petrol and things.¬.¬
Anyway! Onto a collection of photos. They have no themes, they're just photos I've been taken. Would appreicate any critisims you folk feel like giving!
(My wee egyptian prince!)
(I love this one, Nicki looks so happy and Zety looks so serene!)
(The new girl, Lily, borrowing Anton's body. XD She's so pretty.)
Thanks for looking!