(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 15:41

So it's time to introduce the newer members of the family, and to ask for some help.

Jet, and


So basically the help I need is this - my guinea pigs were adopted from a woman I go horse riding with, because they were pets for her kids and they lost intrest, and she wasn't particularly fond of them. I got a whole pile of fun things, an outdoor hutch, an indoor hutch, and an ourdoor run. Now,the piglets are handleable - I can pick them up and they don't panic and fight it (Although they do scuttle off in the cage) but my problem is they just seem....terrified all the time. I'll put them down on the floor and they will just sit there, petrified. Barely intrested int heir surroundings. Patches is the worst one, as he really is very very timid. Jet is three years old and Patches is two, and I don't know very much else about their history and why they might be like this.

So, my question is this, how do I help them become more settled in their surrondings? I've had them since chirstmas, interact with them every day, and try and handle them as much as I can. They're kept indoors so it isn't like they aren't used to the tv etc. Any suggestions are appreciated. ^_^

Also, for people who now about these things, would it be a bad idea to have Jack (the rat) run around with them, and let them all play together?

Thank you for looking and advising. =)


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