(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 13:47

Hey everyone! Have a good christmas? We did. it was a nice, quiet christmas and despite falling down the stairs there were no major incidents. Sadly, I have bad news. I'm sure you guys remember tuesday, Fall's little balding minion hamster? Well....

On christmas eve I went go and feed him, and since he normally needs poked awake to get his food this is exactly what I did. And his little curled up body was cold. He had died in his sleep, during the day. Which makes me sad. We had lost Flash earlier in the year, round about novemeber, and so our house is now hamsterless, and I don't think we'll be getting any more. So just before we move into the new year, we'll take a pause and say goodbye to two little becons of light....


And Tuesday.

You will be missed, and we still love you.

On a happier note, do expect lots of pictures as I play with my new flash. ^_^

tuesday, flash

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