A little Pot luck...

Nov 08, 2006 20:02

Beware! Plot! (sorta) Angst! (Well, a little) and Fluff! (kinda).

But don't worry, there is humor too.

Nicki: ~walking in~ Hey, Zety have you seen my...---

Zety: ...
Nicki: Whats wrong? You look like shit man...

Zety: It's Fall. Last night he had a seizure.... had ot be air lifted to Dr Havelock... down south....heart surgery....~trails off~
Nicki: Jesus. He'll be alright though, that Dr Havelock is a crack pot but he sure as hell knows what he's doing. ~scoots closer~

Zety: ~distant~...I guess...Said he'd call once Fall was awake...
Nicki: Zety, that could be days...
Zety: ~quiet shrug~

Nicki: ....

Zety: Nicki...what...
Nicki: I'm going to take this away, and help you relax.

Nicki: ~points~ pass me my fish?
Zety: ...fish?

Nicki: My fish tin. 
Zety: Oh, right...~reaches for, passes over~
Nicki: ~opens, starts to roll~

Zety: Nicki...is that...
Nicki: ~rolling~ Yes. It is cannabis. 
Zety: That's not a cure for parkinson's you know....
Nicki: ~seals, licks~ I know, but it helps. And it helps relax too...

Nicki: ~lights, offers~ That lord of the rings movie is on, so we'll watch that, smoke a few....and when Havelock calls, he calls. Meantime, you take a break. 
Zety: ...

Zety: I guess...one can't hurt...


Nicki: The film kinda loses' it fantasty factor with that shot, you can see Orlando Bloom's wig line there...
Zety: ZZZZzzzZzz....

Nicki: Heh. ~grins~ Usually one is all it takes...~wriggles a little to free his hand~

~settles hand, watches film~

Zety: ZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzZzzz....


~Watching Susan hunt for remote in room~ ARGH! Where is it? Under the bed? In the chest of drawers? beside the rat cage? In the hamster cage? Did the guinea pigs eat it? AAARGH SIMPSONS IS ON IN TWO MINUTES AND CHANNEL FOUR CAN'T BE REACHED MANUALLY ON MY TV!

Nicki: Should we tell her it's in Fall's hammock?
Zety: Nawww, this is much more fun. X-D

Hee hee, thanks for reading! ^_^

nicki, zety

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