[ Klavier backs up, making sure he can get a good view of his SFC and vice-versa. When it clicks on, you can hear a
faint song being played in the background by an electric guitar... it stops briefly as he introduces himself: ]
Achtung! Now it's a party. [ He grins. ] My name is Klavier Gavin, and it's a real pleasure, despite our current
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You play the guitar? That's pretty interesting, I like your music, Klavier.
Out of curiosity, what is a prosecutor? Are you some sort of insurance agent or something?
[ Yeah, that's why he plays. ... Mostly. Sad. Sadder still? This man doesn't know what a prosecutor is...? ] ... You can't be serious. But something tells me you are. Nein, a prosecutor is nothing like an insurance agent.
When one man kills another, they are taken to court. For the sake of the people, it is the prosecutor's job to make sure people who would kill another for any reason, or similar crime of any form, is punished to the full extent of the country's law.
... In short, it's my other life's work to make sure the guilty hear nothing but the Jailhouse Blues.
...Oh. I see. [There's a strange look on his face that passes in a second. Imagine, if they had lawyers back in Gunsmoke, Vash would be prosecuted so heavily he wouldn't know what hit him.] But that's really good! You're fighting to keep the bad people away from the innocent. That seems like an honorable occupation.
...Jailhouse Blues?
[ Klavier grins. ] Something like that. You must live in a tiny country... but then, even Borginia had a legal system. Isn't there one where you come from?
[ Swiftly ignoring the last question; he feels it'd be useless to explain that to someone without music in their soul, so to speak. ]
Not really...my world has law enforcement, but no lawyers... In fact, criminals are just put on a bounty list, and are brought into jail with no questions asked when they're captured. [He would perfectly know that since he has the biggest bounty on his head- he's literally the most wanted man out there. He has mangaed to stay out of jail for the time being...]
[ ... He couldn't just say "I started a small band with friends from law school and somehow we ended up Platinum," could he? ]
... Bounty hunters? How... archaic. What if the person captured is actually... innocent? That's why we have defense attorneys, after all. The real reason for court--that's to discern the truth and make sure the guilty are truly guilty.
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