Hugh/Jenn RPF

Nov 07, 2009 08:10

As the shooting ended for the day, everyone began bidding each other goodnight before heading to their trailers. Jennifer couldn’t help noticing one of her co-stars moving a little slower than usual and once again she found herself worrying about him. Her concern was always met with a shy smile and adamant assurances that all was well, but after working with him for five years she had developed her own version of “spidey- sense” when it came to Hugh. She decided to check in on him before leaving for the day.

As he entered his trailer, Hugh dropped himself onto the couch and let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he should mention to the others what he was going through, but he and Jo had decided to wait until they could talk to the children before going public. She and the kids were flying into LA next week and that was when the big talk would happen. He dreaded what their reactions would be, especially Rebecca’s. She worshipped her mother and truly believed her father could do no wrong. She would soon receive a harsh lesson in life at an especially vulnerable age.

He stood up wearily and grabbed his jacket, determined to go home and get properly pissed. He knew it would do nothing to help his ordeal, but maybe it would at least make him able to sleep some. Pulling open the door he met Jennifer with her hand outstretched and ready to knock.

“Jennifer”, he said in surprise, “I would have thought you’d be long gone by now”, he said as he stepped aside inviting her to enter. She was wearing the tight black jeans that he loved seeing her in, and immediately he experienced an almost overwhelming desire for her.

Once inside, she quickly noticed how uncharacteristically disheveled it appeared and noted how all remnants of his personal life had been removed, save for one lone photo of himself with his children.

“Housekeeping hasn’t had a chance to tidy up lately”, he joked as he studied her concerned expression.

“Hugh”, Jennifer began firmly, “I’m going to ask you something, but please don’t give me the same answer as before”. She looked him squarely in the eye and felt herself weakening somewhat, but she could easily the see the pain he was in, and she was determined to help in whatever way she could.

“And just exactly what is it that you wish to know”? He hadn’t meant to snap at her and it had hurt him to see how her expression of concern had turned to one of shock from the sudden harshness of his tone. God, what a bastard he was becoming. Why was it so difficult for him to accept her concern? Running a hand through his hair, Hugh turned away from her in disgust with himself. “I’m so sorry Jennifer”, he said softly, “you didn’t deserve that”.

“Hugh, it’s me who’s sorry. I have no business asking you to explain anything”. He turned around just in time to see her begin to leave.

“Jenn, please…don’t go“, he murmured quietly. He felt like an ungrateful ass. Over the years of working together, the two of them had forged a strong bond of friendship and trust, sharing each other’s triumphs as well as heartaches. What he was doing now was only serving to shut her out when he needed her the most.

Turning back towards him she could see a look of vulnerability on his face where there hadn’t been one earlier. Upon closer examination, she saw exhaustion etched on his face, and his eyes appeared puffy and bloodshot.

“When was the last time you slept Hugh”? Her voice betrayed her as she attempted to sound casual and unconcerned, reaching out to touch his arm encouragingly.

Falling once more onto the sofa, Hugh ran his hands over his face and rubbed his neck slowly. “I slept some last night, maybe two or three hours”.

Standing behind the couch, Jennifer leaned forward enough to massage his upper back, hearing his appreciative groan rumble to the surface slowly.

“Here, put your head down”, she said as she slid her fingers up to begin kneading his neck and shoulders. Concentrating on the areas that felt tighter than the rest, Jennifer squeezed and rubbed as deeply as she could.

“Mmmmm“…he sighed, “that feels fantastic”. His voice was low and sounded relaxed as her hands began to wander slightly lower down his back, a slight hissing sound coming from him as Jennifer found a particularly tight bunch of muscles.

“My gosh, Hugh”, she said caringly, “you’re all knots”. His skin felt warm beneath her hands and she longed to run them over his bare skin.

The sound of his cell phone caused them both to jump, and Hugh reached out to where his phone lay on the other side of the couch.

Glancing at the number, Hugh grimaced and took a deep breath before answering.

“Yes, Jo”, he began quietly, “what is it now”?

Jennifer quickly moved away from the couch feeling suddenly guilty. To give Hugh privacy, she motioned towards to door to let him know she was leaving.

“Jennifer”, he said after covering the phones mouthpiece, “please stay”?

Smiling warmly, Jennifer settled down in the armchair opposite the small couch and picked up a magazine to browse through while waiting.
As he resumed his call, Jennifer could hear the sound of Jo’s voice, but thankfully none of her words, though from her tone she recognized anger.

“Listen, Jo”, he said loudly in an attempt to get his words in, “I think it best that we wait until next week to have this conversation, don’t you”? He glanced at Jennifer and winced in apology. “What’s that? Oh yes, you are quite right about that, I am indeed trying to get rid of you so I can get back to fucking my disgustingly young lover”!

Snapping his phone shut, Hugh tossed it in anger towards the door. As the phone broke into pieces, he leaned forward and placed his head between his hands and began to slowly rock back and forth.

Nervously watching him, Jennifer waited to see what her next move should be. Eventually she heard Hugh take a deep breath, which he exhaled very slowly.

“I deserved that”, he muttered, “It’s all my fault, as usual. She has never forgiven me for cheating on her, and I suppose she never will”.

Jennifer couldn’t remember having seen him so infuriated and hurt before, and wasn’t sure what to do. She ached for him and the obvious pain he was in, and before she knew it she was standing in front of him, her hand softly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Hugh”, she began gently, “I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. It must be hard enough to be so far away from your family, and then to have this happen is just awful”. She wasn’t sure what to say or do to make things better for him. She only knew that what she truly wanted to do would simply confirm his wife’s accusations. The best way to avoid that was to sit back down and try to talk him through this. But as she turned to move, she felt his hands grasp at her hips, preventing her from stepping away. Looking into his eyes, Jennifer could see unshed tears of frustration welling up, threatening to spill over.

“Jenn”, he said tenderly, “I‘m sorry about all this. And I‘m very sorry for the way I‘ve been behaving lately“. He didn’t say anything further, but Jennifer could clearly see the hurt in his eyes, and it brought her to tears. She longed to make him feel better, to feel loved, but she didn’t want to take advantage of the situation.

“Hugh”, she began softly, “you don’t need to apologize. I understand”. He pulled her closer and continued to gaze into her eyes, holding onto her like a drowning man. Her knees felt weak and she feared she might lose control of them at any moment.

He pulled her onto his lap, gently wiping away her tears with his thumb. Cupping the side of her face, he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her trembling lips, her mouth opening as his tongue began to push insistently for access. She released a soft moan as their tongues met and danced together and he pulled her closer into his arms.

Breaking their kiss, Jennifer met his probing gaze.

“Hugh”, she began slowly, “are you sure about this“?

“I’ve never been more sure of anything”. He kissed her once more, then looked longingly into her eyes. “But not like this. Not here”.

Rising to his feet, Hugh reached for her hand.

“Come with me”, he said as their fingers interlocked.
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