Nov 30, 2005 01:50
I've been so depressed today, It seemed like everyone hates me today. I fucking hurt my finger last night, an inch long splinter went into my finger right under my nail Fuck it hurt all night and I coulden't really get to sleep,I kept waking up every half hour or so, cause it would start to hurt or Will would hit it by accedent. so he said go back to sleep, butI said no Im gunna come to work so he left I had a really long shower, which made me feel better cause I got to shave my legs and stuff so Im nice and smooth. after that I got ready for work and went to catch the bus but I missed it then I got to work and had to cleen up dog kennels. that was allright gross but nothing new. then Will said I don't do enough work cause I don't get here early enough and I leave it all for him to do. Whatever. then we ate and I felt better, but we got these stupid candels from some cracker last night and it's my nefues b-day today and I wanted to give one to my mom so I call her up and shes allready at my sisters house and shes too lazy to come to see me so Im mad at her. then I talked to cookie for a bit, then I moped the store to let off some stress and it put me in a better mood.
Anyway thats it