Jul 10, 2005 07:07
"Bradley Nowell and Kurt Cobain are my two idols, those men where awesome people and made awesome music that changed the world..to bad nobody realized till they were dead..RIP my heroes"
I fucking hate stupid twelve year old bitches!!!!! I was bored so I was looking around on myspace and saw heather's page and I found the above quote on it. And from this I gathered that she thinks that Sublime and Nirvana didn't influence anyone until they were both dead. They aren't fucking Van Gough! They had a huge fan base and influenced people as well as music before they died. She also said that Bradley and Kurt are her idols. Now seriously, I have respect and love for them both but who the fuck idolizes people that weren't strong enough to fight a drug habit that eventually killed them both. If they were better, stronger people then they would still be alive today. Despite my love I can't say that anyone should idolize people that could do that to themselves. The only sympathy that I can have for this statement is the fact that Sublime had a style all their own, but that wasn't just Bradley's doing, it was the whole group. And Nirvana wasn't the first grunge band and they weren't the last. If it wasn't for the one thing Kurt Cobain didn't want then no one would have remembered them. Had they not gotten the air time on the radio and MTV no one would have cared that he OD'd and shot himself (given that is how it happened). Oh my fucking Jesus! I hate stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a little side note, reading that quote makes me think of when Janice mocks Cady in "Mean Girls", "Did you guys have an awesome time at your awesome party and drink awesome shooters while y'all sat around and soaked up each other's awesome-ness?" (or something like that)