canon stuff lol

Dec 21, 2007 02:22

- was trained by Rosenkrüs (this place run by Estet) aaaand used to live in a laboratory for experiments and stuff like that at the Austrian Alps!
- took classes (I'm assuming that these classes are for strengthening his ability, powering up, controlling, et cetera) with Crawford at Rosenkrüs
- slept with a girl named Silvia and then found out that Crawford slept with her too *_* SILVIA DIED A HORRIBLE DEATH, FUCK YES. SERVES HER RIGHT THAT DAMN HO.
- doesn't like hiding :'D
- formed Schwarz with Crawford and Farfarello, then adopted Nagi from some church
- wants to just be with Crawford instead of everyone else o/
- TOO DANGEROUS :O! Farblos (an organization for Estet) wants Schwarz dead :D
- A REPLICA WAS MADE FROM HIS DNA (since lol Schwarz betrayed Estet and they wanted someone who had a similar set of abilities/stronger than Schwarz). :D Er, only that his replica is a pyro. 8)
- believes that he could survive anything with his power combined with Crawford o/
- in Gluhen, Nagi leaves Schwarz and all that is remaining of the team is Crawford and Schuldig, who are still running away from that stupid lab and Estet
- not enough information to say that Schuldig isn't his real name? Although I doubt anyone would want to name their child that. Not even Koyasu. ... okay maybe Koyasu. Fandom says he might have forgotten it, or just uses an alias, blah blah blah whatever.


Schuldig: Farfarello might be ok with that. But to put it bluntly, we're just the victims here. How about we part ways with the two of you right now? (two guys = nagi and farf)
Brad: But even if we did so, Colonel Amlisch won't forgive us in any case.
Schuldig: Then what the hell are we supposed to do?
Nagi: We have to fight! We're part of a team. Farfarello really loves Sally!
Farfarello: Nagi...
Schuldig: Hah! That's lovely. It's so touching it makes me laugh!
Brad: I am in agreement with Nagi.
Schuldig: What?? Hey, hey...don't tell me you're gonna start saying we have to fight for love, too.
okay that made me lol so bad. Schuldig you tard xD

Also. lol. this is stupid that I lol'd so bad:
Amlisch: Good, good...Nina. You're a good girl. *dove coos*
Schuldig: Colonel Amlisch!
Silvia: *chuckles* What's the matter, Schuldig? Your idiotic face looks even more idiotic than usual.
Sergei: *laughs*
Nagi: How...?
Amlisch: Simple. We were never inside the warehouse. Behold! *he shows them a vision*

Amlisch: Crawford-kun. Unfortunately, you guys are too dangerous. If we let you live, I have a feeling I will regret it
Brad: Probably. However, is more likely that you will regret it right now.
*There are more explosions and guns firing as Schwarz resume their assault...*
Sergei: Damn you!! This isn't funny anymore! You keep bringing out little tricks!
*Farblos and Schwarz engage, as lots of shooting and fighting ensues.*
Brad: It is always prudent to have second and third backup plans. Such things are a given.
Amlisch: Crawford-kun! With brains like that, how can you choose to defy us, still? Do you not think it foolish??
Nagi: It isn't foolish! Fighting for your teammates is only natural!
Schuldig: I just wanna say...I was against all this.

Schwarz base = munich!
looool Crawford doesn't know what love means *_*
Rozenkreuz (TEAM) IS DIFFERENT FROM Rosenkrüs (LAB)


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