i have NEVER been so happy...

Apr 12, 2004 12:16

last month started a totally new point in my life ( Read more... )

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answer_me_this April 15 2004, 05:28:44 UTC

You seem to get rid of your girl-friends as fast as you go through boys, and You claim (over and over) that people stab you in the back. Have you ever taken a good look at yourself and how you act and relate with others? I know that the people that uhnet is great friends with have been friends for a LONG time. How long have you had your closest friends? (sorry for starting this rant with pettiness...)

You are so hot and cold with your friends, unless it is just a huge lie when you actually say you "love" them. People can never be exactly what you want them to be. You have to realize that people make mistakes and while sometimes the big ones arent really forgetable, almost everything is forgivable.

Friendship is a two way street and while you preach that people dont take the initiative to stay connected to you, you have to figure out that you probably havent made a huge initiative to connect to them. Everyone gets busy sometimes and while people may not be big on PHONE CALLING or have the means to Drive and see you they are probably still thinking about you.

I am not now or am i any part of this drama that is going on here i just know that i have read NUMBEROUS times in your journal about how its nice to FINALLY have a BEST FRIEND and ha, it seems you've thrown the SAME statement out another time about another friend...

Maybe you and mandie are best friends and MAYBE it feels different from the one you had with uhnet but don't discredit the friendship that you guys once had. You've experienced things with her and the rest of the girls that you will remember forever and hopefully with those memories come good feelings.

Its a shame that the "Rikki and Uhnet" twosome era is now coming to a close but its mostly because people change. Both of your journals tell alot about you and the changes you've gone through. Go through and read through your journal and take notes of who you were and who you are now and the different events that have changed you and your friendship with her.

Again, FRIENDSHIP IS A TWO WAY STREET. I am sure that people meet the people they need to meet at the times needed. When you met and became friends with uhnet you needed her in your life. Now you've met mandie and this new boy who i am sure you needed to meet to change directions in your life. It happens. We are young. Very few people ever make and keep friendships solid after high school.

Anyway. I know i've written a book on your journal but i think what i have written has significance. If i am the only one that understands this so be it ive wasted my time, but overal i think its pretty shitty that you choose to discredit the best friend you once had with uhnet. And while youve chosen to make these statements in such a public forum your maturity astonishes me (that is sarcasm). Letting all the people in your life think that it MIGHT BE them you are talking about because you havent got the decency to discuss the problems in private or just choose to humiliate the one person whom you are talking about is just about the most rude thing that goes on on live journal. congratulations you are a live journal statistic.

Be good to your friends and they will be good to you. The End.


guiltlesseyes April 19 2004, 12:25:56 UTC
when did i ever say that i did not love my friends, when did i ever say i did not love uhnet?

i am so blessed to have the friends that i have. i love every memory i have with elan. and i never said that they never cared. i know there were many nights of long talks. and i never said i was turning my back on the girls.

it reminds me of a old girl scout song. "make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other gold."

i will always be there for elan no matter what. if anybody needs me for whatever reason, i am a phone call away. we are friends for life. just we all kinda went our own ways and our new directions just took us different ways. i love the girls with all my heart.

i am blessed to have some wonderful people in my life. after looking at the friendships i have with brandon and mandie i realized that its unfair to put uhnet in that same category. i have a lot of love for uhnet and love all of our memories and love hanging out with her and never said that our "era" was over. but since i dont really go to shows anymore i dont know if i am of much worth to her.

but with brandon and mandie i realized that there is more to a friendship then just good times and wonderful memories. i know that i can get very emotional, and there are only a few people who have helped me through those times. and uhnet doesnt know how to deal with me when i am in those states and avoids me. thats when i need my best friend the most.

uhnet and i talked a few weeks ago about our friendship and what was hurting us. but basically things happened, hurt feelings and not communicating is another reason for the division.

but i think its very rude to use things i have said over the past 2 year against me. i did love my times with uhnet. and the post was never about elan. it was a comment i made. im sorry that with the friend i have now made treats me the way i feel that a best friend should treat me.

and that changing best friends like changing boyfriends. are you sure your my friend and know anything about me? because i you did you would realize that chris is the first boyfriend that i have had in 4 years. and have only dated a boy or two. so that was your own stupidity.

but thanks for the thoughts and taking the time to share your feelings, too bad you didnt have enough courage to leave your name on it.


yourluckystars April 20 2004, 00:25:46 UTC
honestly rikki, you really should be a little more selective about what you say about me. if you want to say bad things about me, that’s fine, but don't say things that can easily be proven to be false. you say that you're hurt that i let anthony talk shit on you. well, i have deadaim logs that prove otherwise. i have proof of how i tried to contact you (both deadaim logs & actual people) & when you say that i avoided you, perhaps you're mixing me up with yourself. you said that retreating back away from people is your coping mechanism & that is fine, but the moment that you avoided us & then turned around & said that i was the one doing the avoiding, then that's something i have to respond to.

i’m not trying to carry this on any longer, but i won't sit back and let you smear my good name. i'm a good person & i was a good person to you. i had your back, even after you hurt me & didn’t care. don't you ever deny that. when people were talking shit on you, i stuck up for you. sorry that i didn't run & tell you everytime i did that. honestly, if i did, i'd have been doing a lot of running.

i can go on & on with examples, but you won't ever get it. it's not all your fault, i agree with that, but you are deep in denial about your faults. your own family called you selfish, & these are people that are close to & know you, & yet instead of looking at yourself & taking in the criticism, all you did was realize how much it hurt & then subjected a “friend” of yours to the same thing.

none of the girls really go to shows as much as we did before, & even when you hung out with us we were straying away from that. we still love the music, we always will because it brought us all together. we won't ever just "move on" or "get over" it & it's not just a "phase" to us. we don't treat anything we truly love in that way, especially friends. maybe that's what this is about: the fact that you're not like us. you can twist that around any way that you want & say "yeah i'm not a backstabber like you are" but let's just take the issue of anthony.

i loved that guy more than just a friend, & more than just a crush, & i loved you so much that i gave him to you, with barely a fight. you call that selfish? you knew i liked him, & your excuse of "well you like a lot of guys" doesn't fly with me. why? because even if i liked him a tiny itty bitty bit, you still should have thought about my feelings instead of just your own. that's what friends do. there's millions of guys out there, so even if i liked 100 guys, a real friend could have easily avoided those 100 guys. yeah anthony could have stayed away from you too, but at least he was able to admit his wrongs & we were able to work through that drama. you can call him all the names you want, but the fact that he & i have been through years of friendship & this drama & we're still together means more than you'll ever know, because when anything goes wrong, your first instinct is to bust out your infamous avoidance method.


second part, because i have a lot to say. yourluckystars April 20 2004, 00:26:18 UTC
good luck going through life like that, & honestly rikki, good luck with your boyfriend, mandie & your new friends. i really mean that, no sarcasm. i just hope that mandie doesn't end up the way your girlfriends in high school did, the way blayne & amanda did, & the way i & the rest of the girls did. i can see that mandie cares about you like i did. i know from personal experience that not everyone easily accepts someone with a background of broken friendships. i can tell mandie is a good person with a pure heart. no one ever said you never loved me, but what people have been saying is that you talk about mandie the way you talked about me, & who's to say that she is different? i hope she is though, because by a certain age, you really should have stabilized relationships with people, not creating high school drama & doing things like talking badly about people & then being nice to their faces, or saying you're one way & then bragging about something that proves you’re the exact opposite.

unlike you, i don't & won't ever put the personal business of a previous or current friend on a livejournal entry, but maybe i'm not the one you really should worry about. i know deep down inside that you know i was loyal to you, & i still will be to an extent... but think about everything you said to other people, & if they give a fuck about you like i did.

oh, & that’s awesome that you’re gonna move in with & marry your current boyfriend. you really did move as slow as you said you were going to in one of your previous posts. it's awesome how you never contradict yourself.


its just time to move on. guiltlesseyes April 20 2004, 23:56:45 UTC
ok now i have tried to take the high road. but i have had enough.

you claim to be "good to me" then how come when i couldnt make my rent money you still couldnt even try to start paying me back for all the money that you STILL owe me? i was about to loose the roof over my head. and yet you had money to eat and go to shows but not help me any to save my house. i guess you would rather see me homeless. but hey i guess there were some really great shows.

and if you are going to shove anthony in my face how about the time when i was in love with jesse and all the pictures you sent him or how you asked me if i would mind if you made out with him. at least i had the courage to tell you how i felt instead of just telling lies and then adding more drama. but you and anthony deserve each other. i wish you the best.

you know im not the only "best friend" of yours the realized that you are a bad friend. its kinda funny how your best friend is always the person who benefits you the most.

and you lable me as selfish, well honey take a good look in the mirror. because you are the queen. because thats you in a nutshell. you only do what benefits you. the world doesnt revolve around you.

you dont really know much about my other friends. i am still friends with some of the girls from high school. and blayne and amanda were not the best of friends to have. so you cant even hold that over my head.

but how about you, you change "best friends" like the moon changes also. and you have done your fair share of shit talking. you are really good at playing the role, but sweetie actions speak so much louder then words.

and yes i avoid people when i am upset. but its not like it was that hard to avoid you, you hardly made any attempt. you were too busy out running around on the town.

and yes i am so much happier with mandie, because she has shown me what a real friendship is like, its not just fun times and going out. but she talks with me about my problems and asks me how things are going. unlike you, whenever i tried to talk to you you just turning it around and made it all about you.

i dont think your a bad person, you just have a lot of growing up to do.

and yes chris did move in with me, which did come faster then expected, but its not a contradiction, more of something unexpected. i fell in love and that changed everything. i found the man that i want to spend the rest of my life with, im not going to hold back.

im sorry that things got so out of hand. but this is a long time coming. everybody is going to take your side with it, which is fine. they can all let you think that you are an amazing friend, which maybe you are to them. but im sorry that i dont feel that you should have the same lable as brandon who has been a way better friend then you could ever be.

and to be honest i havent even thought of you as a best friend for a long time, i just didnt want to start drama, but i guess the cat is out of the bang.

but the funniest thing... i never said that i was talking about you in my journal entry. and i do have a few people who i do think of as best friends, but everybody just assumed it was you. kinda funny huh.


also guiltlesseyes April 21 2004, 00:09:24 UTC
you admitted that for most of our friendship you were jealous of me... so what kind of friendship was it that we even had. one based on lies the way i see it. how could there be a "friendship" if the pair are not equals?
the way i see it, since you were jealous of me, it wasnt much of a friendship at all, at least not one built on honesty.
but hey what friendship needs honesty right.


Re: its just time to move on. youz_a_dmb_btch April 21 2004, 15:47:27 UTC
You're one of the stupidest, most self contered, hypocritical... skanky bitches I have ever met in my entire life.

What's funny is how much of a fuckin slut you are... sending pictures of your self getting naked to that Jesse guy... going to a party the other day and one of the first things you saying to people you know is "hey i had phone sex with Jesse!" Cause you're a fuckin groupie. You fall "in love" with guys so fuckin easy it's ridiculous. Were you with that Chris guy when you had phone sex with Jesse? Even if you weren't... then that means in a matter of WEEKS you "fell in love" with another guy... and had him fuckin move in with you... damn ho you're easier then a 1st grader's coloring book. You fuckin try to get your friends to flash people with you haha man seriously ho... youz one dumb mother fucker. Oh and what about "Uhnet would you be mad at me if I made out with Jesse... come on I've known him longer than you!" Haha dayum you're pathetic.

Kinda odd how everyone thinks you're fuckin retarded now... while the only one who has the point of view that you have is you.

From what I hear all you did was talk shit about that fuckin faggoty ass bro Brandon... "Oh I don't even like his band blah blah blah... he's so annoying...." So what the fuck are you talking about? That alone shows how fuckin fake you are and how YOU treat your "best friends"

It's pretty obvious to me that you're OBSESSED with having a best friend... probably because you're one of those people who NEEDS somebody at all times... if you don't have a "best friend" then your life isn't worth shit.

Why don't you learn how to spell too you fuckin idiot.


Stop burning bridges, drive off of them. Oh wait, you don't have a car. quityourcrying April 21 2004, 23:04:02 UTC
Listen here you white trash wet back that grew up in a trailer park and tried to make a career at Taco Bell...

Anthony, try taking your own advice about the whole spelling thing. Is there one sentence or paragraph that doesn't have a typo (partially because you probably don't have the mental capicty to understand the structure of a sentence let alone how to spell) or some kind of stupid ass intentional miss-spelling? Before you criticise other people, why don't you prove that you can do it yourself.

Let me give you an example of your sentence. "Anthony be a fuckin bloody tampon sucking fuck face that suck tha shit outta the ass of fat chick with da runs. Come holla at me." Now, when you break that down you are just a fucking piece of shit that needs to die a horrible death.

Oh yeah, that whole conversation at that party when Rikki made that comment on how she had phone sex with Jesse, wasn't she still talking with you when she did that? So technically she didn't cheat on anyone, if anything she was at the end of the relationship with you when she had phone sex with Jesse. Which would make you a pile of shit that still no one but uhnet cares about.

Rikki's sexual relationship with Jesse has come to an end, now she is with Chris. I wont talk about their relationship because what they have is something that no one like you could ever have.

Who is your dad anyway? haha

What is Larger than Life? I heard it was some gay band from San Diego that no one wants to go see. I heard that the only reason that they have a crowd is because they play with bands that actually are good and the people just suffer through the Larger than Life show to get the real shit.

Uhnet, little miss best friend to all, but Rikki. I remember when you and Tawny were on the outs, you talked all kinds of shit about her. What kind of best friend are you now? Oh wait, isn't that what you just did to Rikki? No, that couldn't be you because you and Tawny are best friends and you would never do that because you are always there for your friends, you always call them and stand up for them when other people talk trash. You and Anthony are retarded for eachother. Here is my prediction... If you and Anthony go the distance, he'll wind up beating you one day, and I'll laugh because Anthony is a dumb pile of shit and you're dumb enough to take it.

Okay, so I am done talking about dumb people for a little bit. Tune in tomorrow kids for some more ripping. In the mean time, feel free to go to hell.

Rikki, I know you asked me not to post, but I hope you understand why I did this and will continue to rip these two a new butthole.

Fred is back.


Re: Stop burning bridges, drive off of them. Oh wait, you don't have a car. youz_a_dmb_btch April 22 2004, 01:19:08 UTC
I'll show you wet back you racist mother fucker... come to where I live and say that shit. Shit go out your front door and say that shit... you won't cause you're a fuckin pussy. Fuckin little bitch talkin shit on the fuckin internet... be a man dawg step up where you at?

As for Larger Than Life Ima knock your fuckin head in bitch for sayin that shit. I've done more with my band then you'll ever even come close to doing. How do you think we get shows with national acts? How do you think we sell out our shows? It's obviously not because we suck and can't get kids in the door... how fuckin stupid are you?!

I love how you get mad enough at me that you give me examples of my own sentences haha... youz my bitch now dawg.

And no I wasn't talking to Rikki when she had phone sex with that guy haha... and if I was... that'd just make her that much more of a slut haha. You act like you live your whole fuckin life with her. Get those balls off her chin homie. You sound more like Rikki's dad then anything else... or her fat ass mom haha... maybe one of her ugly alcoholic, belemic skanks of a sister?

And for the record... I got a car bitch... and while I'm at it don't you ever fuckin say another word about my family unless you want your fuckin teeth knocked the fuck out your fuckin face.

Why do you insist on talking so much about "best friends" like it's the biggest, most important thing in your/rikki's life? That shit's fuckin gay, not to mention pathetic. "like oh my gosh... like do you wanna be like, my BEST friend? Like we can like... hang out all the time and like itll be soooo cool!"

How far you wanna take this dawg? Email me your address and I'll come up there... we'll meet up and settle this shit. trecoolfan@hotmail.com.

Fred is gay.


Jump when you feel froggy. quityourcrying April 22 2004, 10:33:13 UTC
I'm not getting mad, I think this is fun. When I get mad, people get hurt, which is why I am where I am now. I would step out and go down there, but the MP's wont let me.

As far as you've done more for your band than I'll ever do, how about you do something for your country rather than your gay band. How about you spend 7 years in the service and then you come talk to me about doing something.

Want to talk about family, Rikki isn't direct family to me, but she's the closest thing to a sister I have ever had. So you've been talking trash on my family, bitch. I'll talk trash on your family all day long, because I can. Because you wont do anything about it. Because no matter how much you talk trash on Rikki or myself, at least we know who our parents are.

"Like oh my gosh, like Anthony got a car. Like wow, I'm like so proud of you. Like drive it off a cliff or something."

If you really want to go at it, you have one month from tomorrow to make good on your threat.

Drive your punk ass bitch up here to Camp Pendleton and ask the MP to escort you to the brig. I am on the 3rd floor, ask for Fredrick O'Connor. The MP's will let you in, but they will be leaving the room once they bring you in.

You know where I live now, none of this email bull shit. Make good on your promise and come up here to get your ass beat.

May 23rd I go to Iraq. Don't be late bitch. I'd love to get thrown back in the brig for another two months so I wont have to go to Iraq.

One last thing for when you come up here. If you can't get into the brig, ask to see Sgt. McCullough. Tell him you're my "best friend" and he'll know why you're here. On your way up to the 3rd floor, you might want to ask him why I have been in the brig for 6 months.

Look forward to meeting you Anthony.

Your Best Friend,

Lance Cpl. Fredrick O'Connor


Re: Stop burning bridges, drive off of them. Oh wait, you don't have a car. calm_my_heart April 22 2004, 15:27:59 UTC
first of all. id like it if you kept my name out of your fucking mouth. dont throw me into this. and dont talk about shit you KNOW NOTHING about.


I didn't bring you into this. quityourcrying April 23 2004, 13:25:33 UTC
The second you responded nastily to Rikki's journal, is the secon YOU brought YOURSELF into this. I did not "throw" you into this. I only brought you back up because of uhnet, I have no beef with you.

I will not bring you back up in any of this from here on out.

Have a nice day. (I still do wish you find happiness like Rikki has, but just you.)



Re: I didn't bring you into this. calm_my_heart April 27 2004, 03:21:16 UTC

oh and by the way..i have found happiness. ive NEVER been as happy as i am right now but thanks for the oh so kind wishes..


Congratulations quityourcrying April 27 2004, 11:44:32 UTC
I hope that happiness stays with you for a long time.

Good Day,
Fredrick O'Connor


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