Resonance Guide

Dec 25, 2010 23:35

- What is Resonation?

Here is what it is not: a word. The term you may be looking for is 'resonance'. Soul Resonance. Resonance of the Soul. Chain Resonance. RESONATION IS A LIE.

- What is Resonance?

Soul Resonance or simply "resonance" is a phenomenon that occurs between two or more beings with a soul, most commonly between a Meister and a Weapon. Resonance is the process of the souls 'merging' and creating a conductive loop from their Soul Wavelengths, greatly enhancing their respective strengths, the degree of which is dependent on a number of factors.

- What?

The best (and simplest) example is one first explained by the former Shinigami: the guitar and amplifier. A Meister is like a guitar - it can make a sound on its own. However, with a Weapon in hand, they can resonate, and the Weapon will amplify the sound as the two feed into each other. The bond between the two is Soul Resonance, and "sound" can loosely be referred to as "power".

- What is Soul Wavelength?

Every soul in existence emanates a Soul Wavelength. It's what those with Soul Perception see when looking at or listening to a person's soul - a spherical aura that surrounds the person in question. Soul Wavelength is uniquely attuned to its owner and every single one is unique. It's also derived from a person's power level in general - the stronger you are, the larger your Soul Wavelength is.

- How do I improve my Soul Wavelength?

The core principle of Shibusen is "a sound soul resides with a sound body and a sound mind." You can increase your Soul Wavelength (and thus your overall power level) by training your body physically, cultivating your mind through the acquisition of knowledge and establishing stability and discipline, and by regularly practicing the abilities unique to your soul. As with any form of training, the key is consistency and repetition. Strengthening your Soul Wavelength is an arduous and extremely time-consuming process. It can take months to create a notable increase.

- What exactly does Soul Resonance do?

A successful Soul Resonance enhances the Soul Wavelength of the participants. This will enhance all of their physical attributes (strength, speed, resilience, senses, etc), as well as those attributes unique to their soul. Meister Abilities are thus increased in effectiveness, and Weapons will be capable of utilizing their own special abilities also. Without resonating, both will be very limited in terms of what they can accomplish alone - Weapons in particular cannot use any of their abilities alone unless they have sufficient Soul Wavelength to do so.

- Meister?

Weapons can be wielded by almost anything, even each other, but the degree of effect is extremely limited. Meisters are humans who possess the ability to properly wield and resonate with Weapons. Each of them also possess their own innate abilities that increase with resonance. More on Meisters in the Advanced Section.

- Weapon?

Humans who have the ability to morph their physical shape and transform into another object, usually suitable for combat. The form they adopt is largely a subconscious choice and one they cannot alter. Those who become Death Scythes are able to make vastly greater modifications on the form they take. More on Weapons and Death Scythes in the Advanced Section.

- How do you resonate?

When a Meister or other being comes into physical contact with a transformed Weapon, a very basic level of Soul Resonance will occur naturally, or at least attempt to. Not just anyone can resonate with anybody - the people in question must be compatible. A compatible resonance will allow you to wield a Weapon normally, or if powerful grant a noticeable surge in power. A poor resonance will cause the Weapon to seem heavy or hot to the touch. A completely incompatible attempt at resonating will make the Weapon impossible to wield - at best, it will seem unable to be lifted. At worst, there will be a rejection reaction in the form of being burnt or otherwise physically harmed.

- What factors contribute to a successful Soul Resonance?

Soul Resonance appears to function quite randomly to some, however there are quite a number of factors at play, and in truth the phenomenon is quite complex. There is a degree of randomness, in truth, but the following are all at work during the process of resonance. The more that are satisfied, the stronger the resonance.

+ Compatible Traits: Every soul and the Soul Wavelength it emanates possesses a number of aspects that generally correspond to the personality traits that are fundamental to the person's identity, some of which are stronger than others. Two souls attempting to resonate, in order to meld, have to complement one another. Two souls that are polar opposite to one another in terms of traits resonate extremely well, whereas two very similar souls are incompatible and produce a relatively weak resonance, assuming they can resonate at all (as demonstrated by Soul and Black*Star in the anime).

+ Wavelength Control: No matter the type of resonance, a key factor is the ability of the participants to regulate the rate at which their Soul Wavelengths interact. Two souls not synchronizing their wavelengths properly needlessly waste energy, or in the case of a much larger wavelength resonating with a small one, risk smothering it or otherwise overloading the soul from excess power. Wavelength Control, like cultivating Soul Wavelength in general, is a skill that takes considerable time to learn, though talent does vary.

+ Mutual Understanding: At its very core, Soul Resonance is the merging of two or more souls, and regardless of traits, they cannot become unified without first understanding each others' fundamental natures. Meisters and Weapons tend to live in close proximity to one another for this reason - to increase familiarity and intimacy, for sake of better comprehending the nature of their partner. This is one of the biggest challenges to establishing a strong partnership - souls with opposing traits can find it difficult to comprehend or accept the differences between them.

+ Mutual Concentration: An extension of Wavelength of Control - resonance that functions at a level suitable for combat requires considerable mental concentration, as well as for establishing a harmony between the minds of those resonating. Weapon and Meister need to possess common focus during a fight. When such matters as becoming emotional occurs while attempting resonance, the connection can be weakened or severed completely unless both partners are both experience that same state of emotion. For this reason, sentiments such as dislike or anger towards one another prevent resonance.

+ Wavelength Strength: Ultimately, what fuses two souls together is the complementing Soul Wavelenths attracting one another. A full or 'perfect' resonance can't be achieved without the necessary strength for sufficient fusion. This matter is simple: the stronger the wavelengths of those attempting resonance, the stronger their resonance.

- ...Okay, so what in full does Soul Resonance do for a Weapon and Meister?

Meister: Enhances their physical traits and inherent abilities specific to their soul, or "Meister Ability". This in effect establishes their overall "power level" - the better the resonation they possess, the stronger, faster and resilient they are. Without it, an average Meister is little more than a human with a minor supernatural ability, and they most certainly are unable of fighting Kishin Eggs, which are well above human capabilities.

Weapon: Enhances their physical weapon form, such that it is capable of piercing the Soul Wavelength that Kishin Eggs and Witches are shielded from regular weapons by. It also provides the power necessary to fuel their innate abilities and Soul Resonance Attacks.

Both Meisters and Weapons with a Partial Form are capable of the above on their own, however without some form of resonance it is borderline impossible to fight Shibusen's enemies or even fully utilize their innate abilities. Meisters may find it difficult to use their power on their own or find it has limited effect, and Weapons will find the vast majority of their abilities incapable of being used.

- Wait, Soul Resonance Attacks?

Technically, every ability that a Meister draws out of their Weapon could be considered a "Soul Resonance Attack", since resonance is more or less essential. A Soul Resonance Attack specifically refers to a unique technique that can be performed when a partnership's souls begin to approach full fusion. The characteristics of said attack are usually drawn from both Weapon and Meister, though it is not unknown for it to be more dependent on one than the other. As resonance and fusion of souls becomes closer to completion, this attack may improve or adopt new forms also (such as Maka & Soul's Witch Hunter developing into Demon Hunter).

- You mentioned that there are other forms of resonance, what are they?

There's mainly two worth mentioning. Technically resonance can occur in different forms between different creatures, but most are insignificant. The ones which are significant, though:

+ Self-Resonance: When a person's Soul Wavelength and Soul Wavelength Control are both exceptionally large, they are able to resonate with their own soul. Both Weapons and Meisters are capable of this: Weapons who can do this are called Autonomous Weapons, and they can utilize all of their own Weapon Abilities without the assistance of a Meister. Meisters who can Self-Resonate have the ability to project their Soul Wavelength into an energy form similar to electricity, which they can drive into enemies to cause internal damage, sufficient to damage Kishin Eggs and Witches.

Only two Weapons (Justin Law and Giriko) and two Meisters (Professor Stein and Black*Star) possess this ability, each of which happen to   be among the strongest Technicians.

+ Chain Resonance: An extremely complex form of Soul Resonance, it allows several participants to synchronize with one another. Its difficulty is due to the fact that every Soul Wavelength present in the connection has to resonate with one another, and it must be sustained at range, largely without the assistance of physical contact (which is exceptionally difficult in itself, requiring great Wavelength Control). The benefit, though, is a power increase shared by every person in the chain, as well as enhanced coordination and harmony.

A lesser form of Chain Resonance, worthy of mention, is Double Resonance, or "Dual-Wielding Weapons". It is common with regular Soul Resonance in many regards, however it is similar to Chain Resonance in that every soul must be compatible and capable of a stable resonance. The process is exceptionally difficult, given the Meister has to control their wavelength and maintain two active resonances at once. Only two Meisters are currently capable of managing a Double Resonance (Death the Kid, likely due to being a Shinigami, and Kilik, who possesses a talent for Wavelength Compatibility.) Their Weapons are sisters and twins, respectively.

- So what about this "Advanced Section?"

More to come later about Meisters, Weapons, Death Scythes, Kishin, Witches and Shinigami.


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