Anon is on, IP logging is off, screened is on
Backtagging: Please. I will backtag for months.
Threadhopping: Depends on the thread
Fourthwalling: Not allowed, by game rules.
Graphic descriptions of violence and gore: Fine
Hugging this character: Contact me first
Kissing this character: Contact me first
Flirting with this character: Fine
Fighting with this character: Fine
Injuring this character: Fine
Killing this character: Contact me first
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure! Just remember to ask first so I can give you all the horrible details.
Using mind control abilities on this character: Depends on the situation. Ask.
Smut: I'd prefer not playing it out, for personal reasons, but if it's IC and plot-relevant, I am totally fine with fade-to-black and emotional aftermaths.
Yaoi-Het-Yuri: Depends. For all three.
hydokAIM: swarmqueenhydok
Plurk: Hydok (friends-only)
And feel free to PM me too.