Yesterday I received a flyer in the mail from a group of wingnuts calling themselves "Concerned Canadian Parents". It was regarding my MP's support of Bill C-38. The jist of it was that same sex marriage will change MY life, that marriage is our "greatest Canadian treasure", etc., and that I should immediately mail in the card included with the
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It could've been from anyone really, but whomever it was has money to be pumping into the cause - every riding in Canada that has a non-conservative majority has/will receive this flyer.
My beef with it is that it looks misleading at first glance - it looks like it's *from* the MP and the MP is telling me to support his decision to vote 'no' on C-38. In a haze after waking up from a nap yesterday, I misread it and nearly called up my MP's office screaming!
And it's not as if they're hurting anyone.
We live in a strange time when the worst the queer community can do is marry.
"Those sick freaks! How do they /sleep/ at night!"
oy vey.
There's a reason that people get their hands and heads chopped off in countries like Saudi Arabia. That reason is fundamentalism.
Secularism is a requirement of a functional democracy.
Abortion is baby murder, that is what it is. Calling it anything else is just trying to make one feel better about themselves.
Secularism is not a necessity for democracy, rather, having the freedom to choose is a requirement of democracy.
For the rest of us, it's a responsible choice.
No uterus, no choice. ;)
Women can think for themselves and know that abortion is baby murder.
Explain why else Ms Roe from Roe V. Wade is trying to get the Supreme Court to over rule their original decision which allowed her to get an abortion 30 years ago?
Responsible people don't get pregnant until they are married. Responsible people don't murder babies, if one has an unwanted pregnancy, one gives the baby up for adoption. In Canada and the US there are so many people who want babies and are unable to that they have to import the children from Eastern Europe and Asia.
Most of the world religions [Christianity, Judasim, Islam] believe that theirs is the only way to heaven. What happens when any one of them becomes the official state religion? [Every other person belonging to the other relgions become second class citizens.] The same pattern happens even when the state allows people to choose their own religion, as was the case in the roman empire.
Abortion is cell murder. A Fetus [without a developed brain] is not a baby. An Embryo is not a baby. A Zygote is not a baby [as Catholics believe].
As for abortion, a sperm and an egg become a baby when the egg becomes fertilized. That is called Pregnancy, the common expression is "I am having a baby"
What is written on paper may or may not represent reality.
If you think a zygote is a baby, you have failed grade eight biology. End of story on that one.
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