Dec 24, 2005 04:28
ok well im writing now i cant sleep and shes not even picking up my calls. I AM THE GUY THATS IN BETWEEN! this fucking sucks im not the one and i just found that out, hes the one not me he likes everything she likes and they have a stronger relationship than her and i do and i cant do it anymore its killing me to know that i wanted to love her and show her that i'll always be there but you know what, love doesnt always love you back you know........i mean he doesnt like me and yet she talks about him plenty enough do i not have the right to feel this way? its so late and i need sleep but i cant sleep how do you sleep thinking that shes with him and doesnt even care you excist......i just wanted a call to know shes ok cause she promised she would but not gunna happen when hes around so what can i do? should i let it go and just them be happy cause thats what feels right but i dont want it to be this way i want to feel her love shes has enough of me maybe this is it..aybe this is want she wants and this is what i need a dose of reality..... WHY AM I THE WRONG GUY! WHY CANT HER AND I BE PERFECT! im the guy in the middle to just think that if it wasnt for me THEY WOULD BE PERFECT NOT US.....................fuck i hate life i want to leave and never come back no one even cares no one will ever understand and i dont blame you what goes on in my head will be the end of me i think i should go out for a walk its only 4 in the morning i need to get out and clear my head i really want to talk to her but it never happened its cause i dont excist it that world thats why they never ask me to come so put it this way i live too far right.....but their friend lives just as far but its ok with her not me why? it seems everyone knows except me they all hide a secret its not my life but i want mine and i want to know am i THE RIGHT ONE OR THE GUY THATS IN THE MIDDLE? going to go on that damn walk the world cant beat me down more than it already has fuck the armos and fuck the rapist that shit isnt going to happen to me the world has been beating me for a long time now when am i gunna feel that feeling of being loved and accepted huh when? shit once she tells me how she feels and to just open up to me