I took a pretty short break from the game, but now I'm back and I'm having so much fun. I'm really happy with the new expansion pack... i think SE made some excellent choices and additions with TAoU...
Anyway since I've been back I've been trying to resume my regular activities with the LS. :D So I went to Faf one morning and omg we claimed! That was my first Faf with the LS, and I'm proud we did fine. Only a couple deaths, most near the end... and no one messed up majorly or anything lol...
No real drops worth noting..
So like me and Sab unlocked Blue Mage... I must say it's such a frustrating job lol... we were duoing for a while and it was a lot of fun but the whole learning spells for like an hour+ really ticks me off.
So this was my first assault. I must say this assault had a very neat concept. It was a lot of fun trying to bust the doors down with the mobs TP moves. Again I commend SE on this feature.
omg Finally we found the first staging point... I mean it's like the easiest one out there but we got lost forever >_< haha.....
So I tried besieged a couple times. My first impression... I thought it was awesome when I was in thickets exploring and I see a giant ass army of trolls running my way... lol Good thing I know not to 'intercept' them... Unfortunately my first assault was lv 1 and there were a ton of people there, so there wasn't much of a challenge, and it didn't last very long. Okay so after a coupled 'besieged'essess there was one I didn't totally make it there in time. So I went to the second level, up the stairs and I was amazed that I could actually see over the railing and range attack with my magic! I also found out that you can even drop down through a hole in the railing but I chose to stay up there. I was really blown away by this smart move by SE, and it totally reminded me of the opening movie... and how the huge army attacks and all the taru mages are up on the second level casting down on the beastmen.
Gah, seems I chose a bad time to go see MI3 today because I missed KB... and... I'll let this SS speak for itself..
Congratulations Angron! No one in TCO, deserves it as much as he does...
Ah.... thats it for now... remind me in the future to update more, so I can cut down on the length of my LJ posts. lol...