Hello! I'm not sure what to write in here yet. Actually I'm pretty sure I'm gonna post the first week and then just get tired of it and never post again and send the U$7 I paid for this account to waste. Oh well.
It's SO hot in here today. I'm melting! My computer can't take the heat, it'd freeze all the time because it was over heated! Crazy! Maybe it wanted to cool down a bit. Get it, heat... freeze. That was such a lame joke. Anyways, I'm gonna take a look around this whole LJ thingie and add some friends here, I shall post again soon. Hopefully.
Ugh, and where's the pizza we ordered? I'm hungry! Oh, I need to make a Green Arrow icon to add to my "guilty pleasure" section. Done! Check it out. :D Oh, and in case you're wondering I'm gonna use this LJ to talk about my guilty pleasures. ;)