New Book(s)

May 30, 2008 11:35

Yesterday Jo Claes presented his new book ('De Zaak Torfs') at the Library in Leuven. I've known Jo for many years and it's great seeing that he now has moved (again) to a larger publisher. And with a crime book, situated in Leuven, of all things. He's working on the next one.
Louis Tobback, the mayor, introduced the book by saying that he hadn't read it yet. Speeches and a short reading by Jo were over fairly quickly (I like book launches but dislike the long speeches and the occasional music that so often accompanies these events) and afterward we all had drinks in the cafe downstairs (and outside). Some eighty, maybe a hundred people were present.
I had a long chat with Leo De Haes, who is the publisher at Houtekiet, the imprint that publishes Jo's book. He's interested in crime writing, since this is still an interesting market. I had the same reaction from Jurgen Snoeren, publisher at Mynx (part of the De Boekerij empire) who is actively looking for Dutch/Flemish crime writers. And since I'm turning to that genre myself -- having done enough semi-fantastic stuff for the time being -- I'm all ears. I've actually finished (or am finishing) two crime book 'proposals' (actually nearly completed manuscripts) that I'll present to Jurgen on june 12th, after the Boekerij Garden Party in Amsterdam.
Meanwhile my other new book is out: 'Einde van de Eeuwigheid' ('End of Eternity') from publisher Kramat is printed and ready for distribution, and I'll have my own copies next saturday. For those who want to order copies, it'll be on my website soon after that. It's an apocalyptic book: what happens to people after the upcoming end of the planet and all inhabitants is announced? I chose three female characters (three generations of women) ad central points in the book, and mainly the youngest one, Deedee, who is fifteen and has no intention to call this The End.
There will probably be a book launch soon, but I'm waiting for my other other publisher, who'll have a story collection out in september, and then we'll see about a collective book launch.


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