Relieving Between Classes

Jan 05, 2009 22:17

Hi All!
This is probably a really stupid question...I even feel stupid asking it. But I have this huge block of classes that keeps me away from my dorm from 9:30 AM o 3:00 PM. There are lots of fairly sizable gaps in between, but I'm just wondering if you have any tips on feeding/watering on the go like that. I'm used to having a set time and place where I can kind of be alone in a secluded area, but all of these classes are kind of in the middle o nowhere where a bunch of students are constantly circulating outside, and I don't really know anyone yet who I can be all like, "Hey...where's some nice grass where no one's looking?" I just have this nasty feeling that people are going to constantly be coming over asking to pet and I'm going to wind up looking really stupid and like I have no clue where I am or what I'm doing, and I know I shouldn't care but...
Um...this is my first day back from winter break and I'm already frazzled. Excuse the desperate tone.
Any help would be most appreciated. Or else you all can just tell me to chill out.
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