(no subject)

Feb 18, 2003 12:34

It took an hour of hard labor for me to dig my car out of the snow this morning. My back's out of commission and all of my coworkers are hobbling up and down the hallway.

180+ subway passengers in Daegu, Korea were killed yesterday in fire; the suspected arson is an embittered stroke victim in suicidal despair over his own life. A mother receives a phone call from her daughter screaming, “Mom, there’s a fire, but the door won’t open! It won’t open!”

Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening to pull out of the 1953 Korean War armistice.

Bush claims he is undeterred by millions-strong weekend protests against war. Democracy? What?

Even tears shed in sympathy feel as though they are only adding to the rising levels of calamitous currents around me.

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